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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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A Net Met Improvement

On Saturday afternoon, the Mets lost to the Braves by 18 runs. On Saturday night, the Mets lost to the Braves by 6 runs, looking darn near professional if not particularly effectual for most if not all of nine innings. They still lost by 6 runs, which is not the goal of a major league baseball team contesting a major league baseball game, but it does represent a net improvement of 12 runs.

Climbing the ladder from utterly shameful to merely dreadful in a matter of hours. Got your hat hung on that yet?

Me, I’ll be grabbing my hat if not my coat and heading out to Citi Field tonight for Sunday Night Baseball to a) avoid watching Sunday Night Baseball on ESPN; and b) enjoy the sublime company of my friend Kevin, who makes sure he and I see the Mets play the Braves at least once every year, even though Kevin is acutely aware of trends and standings as concerns the Mets and the Braves. Trust me, it’s fun.

Maybe that should be the advertising slogan for the rest of the season. Picture Steve Cohen or Buck Showalter or Outfielder Du Jour with “TRUST ME, IT’S FUN” in a comic balloon. They might also think about discounting the hot dogs a few bucks. They’ve already discounted the baseball several levels.

Well, not the Braves. They’re still playing splendid baseball. They score 21 runs in the afternoon, yet don’t look the least bit blasé about scoring 6 more come evening. I doubt Brave verve and panache are what Kevin and I are seeking out, but trends and standings indicate it might be the featured attraction, Kodai Senga’s ghost fork pending.

13 comments to A Net Met Improvement

  • Guy K

    Hoping the Braves save some of this whoop-ass for their series against the Yankees this week.

    • Eric

      Normally, I root for the Yankees when they play against any other NL East team. Even in their current series against the Marlins, I wanted the Yankees to win since I could still view the Marlins as a rival for the 3rd wildcard. Against the Braves? There’s no reason to root for the Yankees because there’s no wildcard or division rivalry at stake.

  • Joe D

    By the way, shout out to Guy K for yesterday’s classic, “Tanking hits different here”.

    It sure does.

  • Eric

    At least the 3 losses to the Braves this series haven’t been boring.

    The Mets are now separated from last place in the NL East and 14th place in the NL by 1 loss. If Senga is going to be the ace next year, this is a good game for him to show ace stuff by shutting down the Braves after 3 humiliating losses. Of course Quintana allowed only 1 run yesterday and the Mets still lost badly.

    I’ll repeat my question from the last post: What do you think of Ron Washington if Buck Showalter is replaced at manager? Washington has had success as manager and he’s reputed as a top teacher of baseball which the Mets need. Bonus is taking him away from the Braves.

  • Joe D

    Eric, I’m not sure about that, Ron Washington has more than a bit of baggage, and he’s no spring chicken (71) in an era increasingly about letting the young kids “have fun”.

    Funny though, he did replace Buck as manager in Texas in 2006.

  • Mark Mehler

    One could do worse than verve AND panache.

  • Eric

    Two things.

    Shut out by Mets reject Allan Winans who pitched in AA for the Mets in 2021. Not sure if it would be better or worse if he goes on to become a good pitcher for the Braves or if it turns out he can only beat the Mets.

    The Mets are letting themselves be humiliated like this at home.

  • eric1973

    Eric, not sure the Mets have a choice in the matter.

  • eric1973

    It just came to me in the middle of the night. The Mets are going to trade a boatload of these newly acquired prospects (not sure when), for some superstar(s) that will help them win next year.

  • Joey G

    Step right up folks! Women and children first! Tanking of a nature that would make the Sixers’ Sam Hinkie blush with embarrasment! Come see Vogey, the Eighth Wonder of the World, in his death defying attempts to runs the bases! See AAAA Players get their Mets Fantasy Camp Experience! As always, the Best Buy for your Entertainment Dollar.