The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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In Which the Mets Engender Cheerful Thoughts

Like everybody else, I’m mortal. I have an expiration date, a timer that will ring, a final quarter that will yield GAME OVER. One day I’ll have a final moment and once it’s past, I’ll be dead.

I have no idea when that final moment will be — it could come a few minutes from now, […]

The Boys of No Longer Summer

Oh, how quickly things can change.

Who’d even heard of Phil Bickford 10 days ago? And yet tonight there I was cheering energetically for Bickford to get out of a straitjacket against the Cubs and give the Mets a win — in a rubber game, no less.

I could say I was on the edge of my […]

The Bar Mitzvah Game’s Bar Mitzvah

Some are like summer
Coming back every year
Got your baby
Got your blanket
Got your bucket of beer
I break into a grin
From ear to ear
And suddenly
It’s perfectly clear
That’s why I’m here
—James Taylor

The 2023 Mets have assured themselves they will not be the statistical equal of the 2022 Mets, having notched their 62nd loss Tuesday night the season after […]

A Laugher? In This Baseball Economy?

Baseball is a sport of long-term truths that fight their way out of short-term noise, so the Mets winning a rain-interrupted laugher over the Cubs was only a surprise from an emotional standpoint: It had been pretty obvious to us loyal diehards doughty faithful pathetic masochists that they would never win another game in 2023, […]

Empty Garden

Jose Quintana came highly recommended on Angi when you were looking for a gardener. He wasn’t necessarily the best, but he was very good. So you contacted him. Jose informed you he’d be very happy to help you with all your gardening needs, except he had to tend to a medical situation before he could […]

In Which the Titanic II Auditions Musicians

There’s a post to be written about how the rest of the season is a chance for David Peterson and Tylor Megill — your last two Mets starters down in Baltimore — to show they belong in the starting rotation, to demonstrate that they’re more than just fill-ins for now-traded Hall of Famers, to add […]

The Beatings Will Continue; Morale Will Not Improve

James McCann destroyed the team that sent him away, going 3 for 3 with 5 RBIs and even stealing a base.

That’s the headline, but the punchline comes courtesy of our Metsmerized buddy Mike Mayer: Only two catchers have ever had at least 3 hits, 5 RBIs, a walk and a steal in a game against […]

The Longest Third

Every season includes mathematical milestones that take me by surprise when I look up and notice them. Has this much of the season already flown by? It usually starts at the 16-game mark. We’re barely two weeks removed from Opening Day and, bam, 10% of the season has disappeared. We do this only fifteen more […]

The Steve Cohen Supplemental Draft

The Original Mets were stocked primarily by a legendarily threadbare expansion draft that left the Mets capable of winning one of every four games they’d play in their first year. With a full season’s experience under their collective belt, the Slightly Less Original Mets took the field for their second year and won eleven more […]

So That Was a Lot

Some days can’t possibly be summed up by one post. So consider this one just the start of a conversation that kicks off tonight but will go on in some form for years.

The Mets traded pretty much everybody. Justin Verlander went back to the Astros, where — as I semi-seriously predicted — he’ll now face […]