The blog for Mets fans
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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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10 comments to A Good Curve At Last

  • […] your recap: Amazin’ Avenue, Faith and Fear in Flushing, Newsday, Daily News, […]

  • Seth

    As difficult as this season has been, it’s seemed to have flown by. I guess time flies whether you’re having fun or not.

  • Mark Mehler

    Where’s the rest of me?

    • Seth

      ….cried Scherzer, Verlander, and deGrom in unison.

      • Eric

        Speaking of aged former Mets aces, Scherzer’s latest injury has me thinking about the recent ESPN articles about the Biogenesis steroid scandal. I wonder if MLB and MLBPA can work together on a sanctioned medical protocol to help older players prevent breaking down like Scherzer’s body clearly is now while drawing a clear distinction between competitive longevity and performance enhancement.

  • Eric

    I’m glad that the Mets are playing teams in a close wildcard race for the rest of the season. Even the Phillies aren’t yet safely seated as a wildcard. It makes for better quality baseball. I prefer to root for the Mets to play spoiler than finish out the string with nothing significant at stake for either opponent except for a bottom-6 protected pick for the Mets.

    Games against teams in the wildcard race should also make for better quality reps for the baby Mets and any other Met, eg, Stewart, the relievers, Megill and Peterson, showcasing themselves for next season.

  • eric1973

    I do hope the Baby Busts play a bit better, though.

  • Eric

    The Orioles-Rays series right now reminds me of the Mets-Braves series last September. The upstart Orioles have won a lot to be in 1st place for a long time, but the perennial contender Rays have kept pace to stay in arms reach and are now in position to catch up and even take 1st place from the Orioles in a head-to-head.

  • Glad you all had a nice time together at the ballpark! That’s what being a Mets fan is all about–the camaraderie. We may see lots of losses with the wins, but we share the commonality of going through each season following the team and hoping for the best. It’s the Faith in FAFIF, and it helps us be Mets fans even when they’re not so good.

    Nice game to go to–that had to be the most enjoyable romp all year! Plus a sumptuous buffet; sounds like a winner all around! Mets ace pitching performances and extra-base hits by players who should figure prominently in the team’s future are always fun to see in person, let alone on video highlights.

    If I’d been back East (and I’d known), I might have claimed that last open seat. After all, it had my name on it! (Elijah/Elias)

    Happy New Year, Greg!