The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Fun With Doubles

Freddie Freeman having doubled 55 times in 2023 without networks breaking into prime time programming even once to issue bulletins on his chase of 60 — a two-base hit total not reached since the 1930s — has got me thinking doubles are baseball’s most underappreciated hit. Ralph Kiner said home run hitters drive Cadillacs. Tim […]

There Are Worse Things

Saturday night’s game between the Mets and Reds was one of those close affairs you’re not sure whether to call taut or merely indifferent. The Mets harried Andrew Abbott but couldn’t inflict substantial damage on him; the Reds tormented Tylor Megill but couldn’t put him away either. For the second game in a row, matters […]

The Blame Game

A habit I’m trying to break as a baseball fan is the assigning of blame. If the Mets don’t win – even a stripped-down, playing-out-the-string version of the Mets – it can’t be that the other team won or something went wrong or an unlucky event occurred. No, it has to be someone’s fault.

For instance: […]

The Gods of Garbage Time

Who are these Mets, anyway?

Joey Lucchesi was terrific, Mark Vientos homered, Pete Alonso drove in three on a homerless night and — in the most astonishing development of all — Trevor Gott and Drew Smith were allowed to pitch and didn’t fall apart like cheap watches. There was a nifty flying slide home by Jeff […]

Mets Having Fun

Like other varieties of stopped clocks, every so often the Mets are just right.

On Tuesday night they hit a barrage of homers, with Ronny Mauricio’s inaugural blast the most impressive; they got good starting pitching; and they survived the inevitable bad bullpenning to take a game away from the Diamondbacks.

Jose Butto provided the good starting […]

Team Building Man

What had been a bad week regarding saviors of professional sports franchises in New York is now a promising week regarding saviors of professional sports franchises in New York. At the very least, nobody should be sacking and tearing David Stearns’s Achilles tendon in the days ahead.

Never mind Aaron Rodgers and never mind the 2023 […]

Middling Highs, Middling Lows

I watched the victorious Jets quarterback stand before the football press late Monday night and extol the virtues of never getting too high or too low, which I’m pretty sure I’ve heard an athlete or two or two-million mention before, but since the victorious Jets quarterback Monday night was Zach Wilson rather than Aaron Rodgers, […]

Interleague Kvetching Like It Oughta Be

During Saturday afternoon’s telecast, Ron Darling recalled a moment of frustration from early in his career when he was so fed up with receiving no-decisions for his pitching efforts that he said he’d rather take a loss than another ND. Older and wiser (and by way of slapping the Mariners’ George Kirby on the wrist […]

Drew Smith is Not an Option

All games have their highlights, even the Mets’ Saturday afternoon 8-4 loss to the Twins in Minneapolis — if you watched or listened to it, choose YOUR favorite highlight!

• David Peterson delivered the very definition of a quality start!
• Brandon Nimmo, Pete Alonso and DJ Stewart each homered!
• The 2023 season is one game closer […]