The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It's Not Going Well

Believe it or not, the Mets did some good things on Saturday afternoon before decidedly not good things started happening.

Mark Vientos collected a pair of hits, drove in a run and played the kind of defense I didn’t think he could play. J.D. Martinez once again looked like he’s shedding the rust of his late […]

All About Momentum

Baseball is always about momentum.

On Thursday night the Mets emerged from a terrifying game with the Phillies as the owners of a hard-fought win. It’s the kind of game that pulls teams together, that gives them a certain sense of purpose when they head for the next battleground, newly confident that they can, in fact, […]

The Baderfly Effect

The more straightforward aspects of a baseball game don’t require much explanation. Slugger Pete Alonso hit a home run. Got it. Starter Jose Quintana didn’t walk anybody. Got it. Closer Edwin Diaz blew a save. Got it, though we wish we didn’t. Still, protagonists gonna protagonize.

The aspects of ballgame that keep a person engaged beyond […]

The Muck and Mire

At least the Mets seem to be accepting that some things aren’t working. They reported for duty in Philadelphia without Joey Wendle, mercifully DFA’ed in favor of Mark Vientos, and recalled Joey Lucchesi while sending Jose Butto down to presumably find coaches to help him tame his sudden bout of wildness.

And, hey, the plan looked […]

I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues

The Mets ain’t too bad when they wear either their classic home pinstriped uniforms (10-7) or their road grays (9-8). They’re godawful when they wear anything else. Four losses with no wins in the City Connects. Two losses with no wins in the fade-to-blacks. And now, with the belated arrival of the white pants that […]

When the Game Was Lost

The game wasn’t lost when Edwin Diaz gag-jobbed the save, though Diaz’s slider has been MIA all season, his command was horrific again, and some of us have been sounding the alarm for some time now.

The game wasn’t lost when Whit Merrifield was inexplicably given a free base after clearly swinging through a 3-1 Diaz […]

America’s Favorite Son

Dull and dreary turned to bright and shiny in an instant — the very last instant. If you’re gonna make such a switch, latest inevitably proves better than never.

Had Brandon Nimmo not swung and connected for the walkoff two-run homer that transformed a 3-2 deficit into a 4-3 victory, dull and dreary was prepared to […]

Futile With a Chance of Humiliation

There’s honestly not a lot of insight to be had comparing a mediocre baseball team with a very good one. Very good teams make plays and get hits when it matters; mediocre ones sometimes do and sometimes don’t. Christian Scott, forced to cosplay as a chimney sweep for his first-ever Citi Field start, was pretty […]

Mood-Matching Outfits

Good call Friday night wearing the reimagined (apparently during a bout of gloom) black jerseys in which the Mets wordmark, the player name and the numbers on the front and back sink forlornly into the fabric as if they followed Carole King’s example of staying in bed all morning just to pass the time. The […]

Baseball Makes No Sense

Baseball makes no sense.

Just ask the Mets, who went into the second inning at Busch Stadium Tuesday night down 3-0 to the Cardinals, as Jose Butto couldn’t command his fastball and St. Louis was whacking his pitches all over the ballpark. It sure looked like Monday night’s relatively streamlined, professional win was the exception to […]