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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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A Good Nap Spoiled

I loved watching the great victory today, a shutout for our side, with New York coming through toward the end. I am referring, of course, to my annual viewing of 1776, a film I still find worth watching every Fourth of July, my custom since 1991 and something I hope to do as long as the American Experiment continues to produce net-positive results.

Some late-inning Fourth of July box scores are more promising than others.

Before the movie, I watched New York not come through toward the end nor at any point of the proceedings, resulting not in a suspenseful 13-0 blowout for the forces of independence, but in a 1-0 drubbing in Washington, a town where good things have been known to intermingle with the other kind. The best part of this particular blanking was it was over with early, a function of the game staring at 11:05 AM. My pregaming, as it were, consisted of a nap. Continuing it rather than disrupting it so I wouldn’t miss too many pitches likely would have been more satisfying.

The game in a nutshell: it’s nothing-nothing at the outset of the bottom of the eighth. I wander into the kitchen, half-listening to the TV audio from the living room. I hear Gary Cohen identify a Nationals batter as someone who has hit five career home runs off Adrian Houser. I do a quick calculation and assume he’s talking about ex-Red Jesse Winker, since who else on the Nats would have faced ex-Brewer Houser often enough to hit five home runs off him?

A moment later, I’m watching Winker Dinger No. 6 fly over a fence. I not only saw it, but I saw it coming…as, I imagine, did every Mets fan who processed the foreshadowing.

Kudos to Jose Quintana for preventing more than a bullpen cameo. Seven shutout innings ain’t nothing in the land of double-negatives. Thanks to Jeff McNeil for assuring we wouldn’t be no-hit, though some days it doesn’t feel as if avoiding highlight infamy matters. When you’re not hitting, being one-hit is only one hit better than being no-hit — y’know? Jake Irvin quelled every non-McNeil Met completely for eight innings and Derek Law took care of the rest. There’s something about a 1-0 Met loss put in the wrong side of the books in under two hours that’s as American as apple pie. It’s part of summer the way you remember it from when you were a kid, kind of like getting bitten by a mosquito.

8 comments to A Good Nap Spoiled

  • Seth

    I’d say the Mets experienced a “power nap” today.

  • Greg Mitchell

    Guess Mendoza feels you can’t ask JD Martinez to “play” a day game after a night game….even though he only DHs…and you have the MLB’s worst starter, McNeil, up in the ninth…and for that matter, hot hitting Iglesias also available…

    But Mendoza has had horrid week, obscured by good run of wins…Terrible bullpen management all year…You can praise him for finally finding the “right” lineup but you’d have to then admit that he blew it for two months….Then again, Mets would be 5 games up in the wild card if Diaz had 1) decent year 2) did not screw them with his suspension, and then recall also wrecked their chances last year with his stupid celebrating in game meaningless for team that pays his bills

  • eric1973

    Love 1776.
    Great interview (written) with William Daniels and his wife, Bonnie Bartlett, 95 and 93, respectively.

    When he was on Broadway in 1776, he was the star of the show and only got a Supporting Actor nomination.

    He said, “Who am I supporting?”, turned down the nomination, and did not attend.

    • Guy K

      William Daniels is one of the greatest, most unappreciated actors of the last half-century. His portrayal of Dr. Mark Craig on St. Elsewhere should serve as a primer for drama class students nationwide.

  • Buell42

    To make a bad loss even worse, we had to suffer through Keith’s homily—-“Just a terrific game” (no…it wasn’t). Is it me, or has he become a tough, tiresome listen? It’s not just his world-weary affect but those constant noises after almost every pitch. Are they involuntary vocal tics or simply a lazy, intrusive and unprofessional shtick.

  • Eric

    It’s not as much the 1-0 loss itself, which I consider one of the 54 every team loses, but that this loss made the blown 5-0 lead the night before rankle. Win Thursday’s game, and it salves Wednesday’s blown lead. Sooner or later, the Mets are going to run out of wins they can afford to slip away. … Sooner, really, since the front office will make the call at the trade deadline about whether to sell off the team’s short term-signed veterans.

  • Jacobs27

    Spoken tru-LEE, God help us.