The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Couldn’t Lose, Didn’t Lose

The authors of this book are drawn to baseball’s great losers. Not to individuals, but to entire teams. We prefer our calamities as the product of collective effort, a shared culpability not unlike Watergate. […] Besides, to err is human, to screw up royally requires a team effort.
—George Robinson & Charles Salzberg, On A Clear […]

Faith in Flushing Affirmed

I liked it better when ballplayers talked about “turning the page” on bad days. Sometime in the past decade or so, turning the page morphed into flushing, and not the charming village in Queens whose northwestern edge we know so well. “You gotta flush it” became the page-turning mantra of choice. Maybe nobody reads printed […]

Thousand-Yard Stare

That was a bad one.

A bad one as in you shut off the TV and kept fixing it with a thousand-yard stare.

It’s even crueler because once upon a time that was a good one: The Mets came back from a 4-0 deficit, with Harrison Bader striking the big blow, then went ahead when Starling Marte […]

The Amazingly Confounding Mets

You can never outguess baseball.

Last time we saw the Mets, they were getting walked off in excruciating fashion by the Padres, a wrenching reversal that denied them a series win and an off-day on which to exhale. Next up: the other National League team threatening to run away and hide in the wild-card race. The […]

Somebody’s Gotta Finish Seventh

After their 131st game, the 2024 New York Mets accomplished something Sunday they hadn’t managed to do after their previous 130: they posted their first Unique Record of the year. With their loss to the Padres, they appear in the standings at 68-63. No Mets team has ever been 68-63 after 131 games.

I can’t say […]

They Didn't Let Him Get Out of It

A night after looking all but moribund against Joe Musgrove (seriously, you’re the wise one if you slept through it), the Mets put together one of their more satisfying wins of the season against Michael King and the rest of the Padres.

A common exhortation heard on my couch is, “C’mon, don’t let him get out […]

Eyes Wise Shut

I hung in through six grisly innings from San Diego. I nodded off in the seventh. I awoke in the eighth. “Is there any point to staying up for the rest of this?” I asked my groggy self. The Mets were down, 6-0. They’d had one hit, not counting the one Paul Blackburn took off […]

The Life of Huascar

Take a moment and consider the life of Huascar Brazoban.

Not long ago he was stuck on the Marlins, with Jazz Chisholm Jr. offering near-daily examples of being a bad teammate, Skip Schumaker staring out of the dugout like a man who can’t bear to think how long he’ll be on county work release, and the […]

We Shall Now Call the Roll

The chair recognizes the delegate from Manaea.

Mister Secretary! The great state of Manaea wishes to cast all seven-plus of its innings, including the first five-and-two-thirds that were absolutely PERFECT, for the team that allows its starting pitcher to consistently go at least seven innings when able, the team we will strive like HECK to bring […]

Family Affair

Present at Tuesday night’s game against the Orioles: my wife, my kid, and my father-in-law.

Not present at Tuesday night’s game against the Orioles: me, AKA your recapper.

Honestly I got by far the better part of the deal.

Well, sort of.

I had a previous commitment with my buddies in the Brooklyn Bridge Park free kayaking program — […]