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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Eyes Wise Shut

I hung in through six grisly innings from San Diego. I nodded off in the seventh. I awoke in the eighth. “Is there any point to staying up for the rest of this?” I asked my groggy self. The Mets were down, 6-0. They’d had one hit, not counting the one Paul Blackburn took off his pitching hand. I turned off the TV and shut my eyes, soon to be out like 27 lights versus Joe Musgrove & Co. When I came to life in the morning, I imagined how delightful it would be to check the score and discover that I missed a comeback for the ages.

The Padres had added another run and won, 7-0. Sleep got the save.

4 comments to Eyes Wise Shut

  • Curt Emanuel

    Better than me. I made it through the Mets half of the 3rd. Even missed Blackburn getting hit. Figured if there was a comeback I could watch the replay on mlb tv. There wasn’t and I got a couple of free hours this morning.

  • Seth

    It wasn’t OMG so much as OVM (Oy Vey’s Mir).

  • Eric

    With game 130 tonight, the Mets’ struggle to get over the ‘hump’ of the Braves’ hold on the 3rd wildcard is getting me frazzled. Falling back to 2.5 games behind the Braves yesterday because CJ Abrams pinch hit with RISP and no one out, harmlessly popped up, and then committed the game-losing error in the 10th inning has me feeling like this: (Notice dad’s “Oohh…he’s getting away from you” and the toddler briefly getting hold of the leash and then it immediately slipping out of his hand: that’s the Mets’ wildcard chase in a nutshell.)

    This ~.500 pace will keep the Mets in striking distance, but it’s not going to get them over the hump and into the playoffs. We’re nearly to the point of the season where striking distance isn’t good enough. The Mets need to get hot again and snatch a wildcard soon, or else they’re going to run out of season.

    The night before, the Mets got to Cease, who’s an ace. Last night, the Mets couldn’t touch Musgrove, and he’s not an ace, at least not this year. Somehow, Musgrove has utterly dominated the Mets for 20 straight scoreless innings going back to the 2022 wildcard series.

    Blackburn has had 3 solid starts. He got roughed up by his old team. Okay. But now he’s been roughed up again by the 1st contender he’s faced as a Met, not that that made a difference in yesterday’s game. I just hope Blackburn’s not turning into a problem, hurt pitching wrist aside. Quintana’s crash since the trade deadline passed is enough of a problem. At least the worry over Severino has calmed down.