The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Big Bang Theory

Three-and-oh? You take. Of course you take. You always take on three-and-oh. Maybe not always always, but when you’re tied in the bottom of the ninth, there’s one out, and what you need more than anything else is a baserunner, you stand and you take.

Francisco Alvarez? You take. You’re like two-for-your-last-eighty (actually 12-for-72 entering Monday […]

Ali Sanchez and the Audience Applauds

Sunday afternoon’s Met affair amounted to an absolutely aggravating abomination of a 3-2 defeat at the hands of the fucking Marlins, the victors’ most accurate appellation. How absolutely aggravating was this game that started at 12:05 PM, itself aggravating? Let me count some of the ways.

Mark Vientos should have scored in the first, but was […]

Two Old Yankees

As a lifelong fan of the little brother team, I bristle when Mets doings get put in a Yankees context, whether it’s sports-radio chuckleheadery about who owns New York or ostensibly more serious discussions of free agency or baseball philosophy.

But the connection was inescapable in the ninth inning of Saturday’s game, when Luis Severino took […]

Outhitting Their Mistakes

Given the ebbs and flows of a entertaining yet maddening season, perhaps we’ve lost track of a simpler formula to make sense of the 2024 Mets: They need to outhit their mistakes.

The rotation is pedestrian, a bunch of No. 4 starters with ceilings as No. 3s. The relief corps is spaghetti at a wall. The […]

Sliding Plates

If Shea Langeliers touches home plate with two out in the top of the fourth Thursday, two batters after JJ Bleday’s grand slam, the A’s completely make up the 5-0 deficit that stared at them when the inning started and they are on their way to an exhilarating victory. But Langeliers misses the plate, and […]

Letting the Chips Fall

Things are getting chippy between the Mets and A’s — and you know what, that’s fine. Baseball should be a little chippy.

Tuesday saw Austin Adams, whom most of us forgot was ever a spring training Met, all but levitate after coming in and saving Joe Boyle‘s bacon, a display that culminated with Adams doing the […]

Delayed Entrance

Maybe the Mets were trying to tell us something by not letting us inside the ballpark until 90 minutes before first pitch. What they were telling us was at some point they changed the entrance time for a weeknight non-promotion game. For as long as I can remember, the gates opened at 5:10 for a […]

Call Up Jess Singer

Adequacy thy names are Quintana, Manaea, Severino, Blackburn, and Peterson. We’ve had some really good games from the starting pitchers who compose our rotation this season. Some not so good games, too. Some days you wish we had the Christian Scott who looked so promising in his debut or the Kodai Senga who was on […]

Other Sides of the World

I generally keep track of what the Mets are doing even if I’m away, sneaking looks at, popping an airpod into an ear, or at least letting GameDay do its pantomime thing in my lap.

But combining a trip to Iceland with the Mets’ Road Trip from Hell was a perfect recipe for being well […]

Distinction Without a Difference

The last shreds of Interleague mystery are falling away this season. We’re in Seattle for the first time since 2017, which hints at the randomness of the way NL vs AL used to be scheduled. When this gimmick was introduced in 1997, We in the NL East played They in the AL East every year […]