The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Killing Us Softly with Spring News

Spring Training, you gotta stop making real news. Frankie Montas’s lat last week. Nick Madrigal’s shoulder over the weekend. Sean Manaea’s oblique as the Monday surprise du jour. We’re here for bright skies and optimism and megastars presenting vehicles to would-be stars in exchange for jersey numbers. That’s the news we can consume and smile about.

All injuries […]

Three of a Kind

“Welcome everybody to Kiner’s Korner, brought to you by Mitsubishi Motors. I’m your host, Ralph Kiner, and today we have three very special guests. My producer told me they would be No. 7, No. 6 and No. 5, so I had my questions ready for Eddie Kranepool, Al Weis, and the Glider, Ed Charles, but […]

First Taste

For years, I never forgot where I was when J.C. Martin laid down the bunt that led to the winning run that gave the Mets Game Four and a commanding Three-One lead in the 1969 World Series. I was in the Cozy Nook, the all-purpose luncheonette where I bought most of my baseball cards, magazines […]

Two Rites Don’t Make It Wrong

Ah, the rites of Spring. Two, specifically…

1) The first press availability of the year with players who rate a full-blown sitdown with the assembled St. Lucie media. Francisco Lindor one day, Juan Soto the next, Pete Alonso today. Revelations? They’re thrilled to be back, or here, or back here. Why shouldn’t they be? They’re all […]

It’s Always Something

To borrow an opening line from an impeccable source, it was twenty years ago today that Faith and Fear in Flushing began to play. With a little help from our friends who’ve read us, contacted us and been an essential part of us, we’ve kept playing. Just like the Mets. Just like some other players.

It […]

The September of My Youth

Topps created 787 different baseball cards for 1972. I don’t remember how many of them I collected, but at least until the final series I’d say “many,” if not most. With the questionably titled In Action subset; the Awards — what kid doesn’t want to stare at a plaque?; the Boyhood Photos of the Stars; […]

Retrospectively Happy Days

The distance from No. 11 to No. 10 on any list is both incremental and immense. Top Ten implies a level above all others. Therefore, with all due respect to all others, welcome to the Top Ten portion of MY FAVORITE SEASONS, FROM LEAST FAVORITE TO MOST FAVORITE, 1969-‘PRESENT’ (with 2024’s slotting TBD), where things […]

Retentions to Shout About

The Mets’ How We Spent Our Winter Vacation essay can be produced in succinct fashion: “We did some signing. We did some trading. We did some retaining.” Given who they signed in December and who they retained in February, that’s a dozen words worthy of a pretty high grade.

Free agents and player swaps are what […]

A Bear Among Us

The long, cold winter brightened and warmed with the word Wednesday night that a Polar Bear will continue to prowl among us for the foreseeable future, which is to say one, maybe two years. Foreseeable may be a stretch. You live in the world today. You’ve ascertained that nobody can see very far into the […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2024!

Oh, it was a fun year. Such a fun year! The fuel light came on and the engine quit a little ways short of the Promised Land, but what a joyride until then! We got 34 new Mets, five of them making their MLB debuts. Some look like pieces of the future, others remind us […]