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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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We're Gonna Win This Thing!

Count me among those who liked — or didn't hate — the Sopranos ending. I found it effective if not brilliant, sort of Glavinesque in that respect (if you don't use yesterday afternoon as a reference point). I've read some astounding vitriol on various TV sites about the need to string up David Chase and/or cancel HBO subscriptions. I've watched for 10 years only to get THIS? Is that really why you watched, for the conclusion? Do you only tune into a series week in and week out to see how it winds up? What, the first 85 episodes and the first 62 minutes of the 86th go out the window because the final few seconds cut abruptly to black without a whack?

While Journey thumped from the Holsten's jukebox in incidental homage to the 2005 White Sox, it was left to cluelessly depressed A.J. (Soprano, not Pierzynski) to bequeath us some Tony perspective we can use as our own 2007 story arc continues.

Focus on the good times.

I wouldn't expect anybody to be thrilled with the way the Mets are playing of late. And you're each welcome to register your dismay here the next time the scoreboard doesn't post the results we'd prefer. Goodness knows I've been doing it a good bit myself this past week. But as a public service geared toward our collective mental well-being, I'd suggest we consider the following:

• what a great run this crew has been on since the Minaya/Randolph storyline began to unfold;

• what a favorable position the 2007 Mets have secured for themselves in the standings to this juncture;

• what talent and ability has been assembled to assure as much as can be assured that bad patches don't stretch on endlessly;

• and what the odds are that a team this good will play this badly for that much longer.

Also, per the somewhat legitimate fretting that we are going up against one playoff team after another from 2006 this month, I'm almost certain that at some point this slice of uncomfortable scheduling indicates we'll have a great deal of games against non-powerhouses in the second half of the season. Those games will count, too.

Lousy week and change of baseball, that's for sure. The DL has become our safe house of woe, the clutch hitting has lammed it for Oyster Bay, the bullpen has gone to the mattresses and now the last two starting assignments have succumbed to gruesome hit jobs. Lousy. But ain't this the same team from which you've beamed and proudly pounded your chest over on multiple occasions this very same '07? Well, ain't it? Don't worry about giving the Mets a break. Give yourself a break. Take a deep breath and behold how we look in the long run versus the competition.

We're looking good, baby. I believe we're feeling fine. Our season finale's a long way off.

FYI, if you're one of those viewers who insists on definitive closure, to say nothing of happy endings, there's a completely satisfying Series conclusion that airs tonight at 6:30 on SNY.

11 comments to We're Gonna Win This Thing!

  • Anonymous

    I was feeling rather miserable this morning, contemplating our formerly first place team's and owner of the Nation League's best record's current streak of suckage. I decided to go ahead, take the plunge and allow myself to look at the standings to reveal the cold, hard and sad fact that… we inexplicably still seem to be the owners of the National League's best record and a 2 1/2 game lead in the Eastern Division. I scratched my head in amazement for at least 20 minutes.
    So, maybe we have stunk up the joint for the better part of a week and a half. But at least the rest of the league decided to give us a break and pick the same stretch to reek a lot more than we do.
    In the end I think it's a pretty good feeling that we can only play better, our luck can only improve, and the whole rest of the NL is looking up at us while we right our ship. Because we ARE righting this ship, aren't we guys?
    Aren't we?

  • Anonymous

    Todays words have had a calming effect on me..Right on the money for putting things in perspective.
    Enjoy the Kooz tonight.

  • Anonymous

    It's coming, that one moment where everything suddenly snaps into place. It's coming, I can feel it. I don' t know if it's going to be Shawn Green's return . More likely it'll be something Omar does, but it's coming, and look out everyone else.

  • Anonymous

    So, what say you about the cat with the Moltisanti fixation? Pure genius from Chase.

  • Anonymous

    I'm actually OK, except for the Endy thing. And the Nady thing (sorry). But I would love me some Pedro right about now.

  • Anonymous

    I waited 86 episodes for a cat storyline. I found closure.

  • Anonymous

    I'm feeling slightly less OK at the moment.

  • Anonymous

    Yeah, I feel you, Laurie. OK does not describe me or the melting Mets at this point.

  • Anonymous

    Kind of makes you wish that David Chase wrote Game 7 of the '06 NLCS:
    Pitch to Beltran…
    (Cut to black)
    Make your own ending.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Hey, who won the game last night?
    The 6:30pm game, that is. I don't get Snigh down here.