The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Cyber Monday Night Baseball

Doing a little holiday shopping for the Mets fan in your life? For yourself? Happiness is only one click away when it leads you to The Happiest Recap (First Base: 1962-1973). It’s the Mets as they keep getting better, and even when they don’t, they always win.

And the book’s not even fiction!

A few Happiest notes to pass on besides, once you calm down from the euphoria attached to the Brandon Hicks deal:

• Kindle version coming soon — but the print edition, available right now, surely belongs in your baseball library.

• Appreciation to Amazin’ Avenue, 2 Guys Talking Mets Baseball, Mets Police and the Pedro Beato Fan Club for making mention of this first volume in the Happiest Recap series on their respective and wonderful blogs.

• Keep an ear open to MetsBlog radio Wednesday night as I discuss The Happiest Recap and other Met matters with Vinny Cartiglia.

• If you’re a Sirius/XM subscriber, I’ll be joining Dino Costa on Mad Dog Radio, Channel 86, Friday night at 9 for more Happiest and Mets chat.

• Saturday, December 15, NOON TO 2 PM (that’s a time change), Sharon Chapman and I will be hosting a little Baseball in December get-together at Foley’s in Manhattan to celebrate the launch of The Happiest Recap (and, grudgingly on my part, my impending 50th birthday). We’ll have copies of the book available and the author will be happy to sign or leave them pristine even. Come on down, get your Mets on and help us get closer to Opening Day while I inevitably get older. Some more details here.

• People “Like” all kinds of crazy things on Facebook, so why not The Happiest Recap? Like it here — and like Faith and Fear here while you’re at it.

4 comments to Cyber Monday Night Baseball

  • You’re gonna be on with Dino Costa???? Better wear your hardhat…

  • Inside Pitcher

    Get to Foley’s early on the 15th! Otherwise, be prepared to wait a few minutes before getting inside, because the restaurant is expecting a big crowd that day (not just for our event). But if you get there before 2:00 you shouldn’t have to wait.

  • Inside Pitcher

    Please note – the time of the party is now 12:00-2:00. Still on December 15th, still at Foley’s.

  • Richard

    Just bought the book on Amazon and if my wife lets me I am going to try and make Foleys!