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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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First Reaction, Second Reaction

First reaction: We endured more than we won. And man were the other guys dopey.

If Miguel Montero doesn’t drop the ball at home plate on Josh Satin’s single with one out in the ninth, Marlon Byrd is out by seven or eight feet and we probably lose in regulation and mutter a lot. Up one in the 13th, after Satin’s leadoff double, why on earth did Kirk Gibson put the winning run on base, particularly when the winning run was John Buck, who’s been basically useless since the beginning of May and had just managed to get himself thrown out at second as the winning run +1, i.e. the run no one in the stadium cared about? Terry Collins, determined to beat Gibson to the bottom of the managerial ladder, then blithely discarded one of the Mets’ two remaining outs by having Matt Harvey bunt, but won anyway when Andrew Brown lined a high fastball up the gap. We’ll call this one Collins 0, Gibson -1, and agree that Brown spoke for all of baseball history when he told Kevin Burkhardt the game was “nerve-wracking and annoying” and he was just glad it’s over. I can’t possibly top that.

Second reaction: What the hell, we won. They all count. Oh, and pigface Cody Ross flipping your bat on your later-revealed-as-meaningless home run? YOU LOST SO HAHAHAHA.

P.S. Josh Satin is awesome. Go away, Ike. Oh, wait. Stay away, Ike.

29 comments to First Reaction, Second Reaction

  • Jestaplero

    Actually, Byrd would have been safe either way. He touched the plate with his foot before the tag. Check the replay.

  • Inside Pitcher

    I still want to slap Cody Ross’ face. Every friggin’ time I see it….

  • kd bart

    Regarding the bunt, as Justin Turner tweeted, “Did you guys really want our Ace to swing after sitting cold on the bench for 12 innings & possibly have to try and beat out a double play?”

    The real dumb move was one by Gibson. How do you walk Buck there? Take your chances with a guy who’s been awful for two months and done nothing all night.

    • Kevin From Flushing

      I was pretty amazed at how amazed the booth was that Harvey was bunting. They kept saying Harvey can swing the bat, and for a pitcher, sure, he’s okay. But compared to the rest of the team, he’s still hitting .128 this season. One-twenty-eight. I would have done cartwheels if Harvey hit one up the gap and all 3 outfielders fell down to allow Buck to score from first, and was genuinely disappointed Harvey didn’t get the chance to swing and create something special, but I knew deep down that bunting was an agreeable move. Harvey was very likely going to make an out anyway, might as well ensure the runners move up.

      • The Jestaplero

        Agreed. Also, moves the tying run to third where he can score on a passed ball/wild pitch.

        • To bring yourself down to your last out? No way. Those things are super precious. Love you guys, but completely disagree.

          • Kevin From Flushing

            An argument such as this is why baseball trumps all other sports.

          • And why the National League is just more interesting. Andrew Brown, much less Matt Harvey, never would have gotten in the game because there would have been no need to double switch. And John Buck never would been half intentionally walked once, much less twice. The possibilities could go on for another five hours, but I’m glad they’re not.

  • mikeL

    we are lucky that gibson and his brain trust seem not to know what every met fan knows: that buck is now our jason bay, previously replaced by ike davis. walking him one was a gift, twice a mystery wrapped in a riddle…

    is anyone confused about the lack of statement from terry that, like tejada, ike will need to compete for a starting role at first?? ike who??

    …if it was my team, buck would sit for two games for that boneheaded steal attempt…and two more for all of the useless at bats the past few (?) games.

    dude needs rest… and so do we!

  • kd bart

    We can all agree that Gibson was nuts to walk Buck.

    • March'62

      Maybe Gibson saw the other day where they walked the #8 hitter intentionally in order to get Harvey out of the game and he thought it worked well so…………

  • open the gates

    Agree totally on Ike. Now the question is, how soon can d’Arnaud get here and rescue us from John Buck?

  • Stop all this Buck-bashing. He’s still your leader in HRs and been calling some great games. Believe me, these pitchers appreciate throwing to a guy who can actually catch the damn ball(or have you seen what happens every time Recker is back there?) I’m in no hurry for Glass-Jaw d’Arnaud to get here – I just spent 2 years watching Josh Thole try to learn the position.

    Yes, he’s batting .200. Bat him 7th and let him manage the pitchers, whilst still leading the team in taters.

  • sturock

    Interesting re: Satin/Davis. They should at least platoon when/if Ike comes back, though Collins has said Ike will play every day should he return. Satin gives the Mets a good at-bat just about every time up. Can he play anywhere besides 1B? I just don’t miss Ike much right now, as the team is playing a lot better without his automatic out in the lineup. And without the black cloud of his endless batting slump hanging over everybody.

  • mikeL

    fine game caller or not we already have an automatic out in buck. i would hate to see satin sit so that ike can get yet another chance to be the worst hitter in the mlb! i’m always glad to see satin at bat in key situations… and seems like he’s always doubling into the gap with the game on the line. at this point i would be happy to see ike find his swing for some other team…

  • mikeL


    • theo simonfahrdt

      Ooo. You got that from the great Mets site, Amazin Ave. That site has in-depth GIFs and words like “TRAID!” So cute and sabremetrically.

  • 9th string catcher

    Okay Satin Nation. Just remember to show hom this much excitement when he has his first slump or key error to lose a game. Ike hit 32 hrs last year and plays a good 1b. If they can fix whatever is wrong with him, he’s a commanding presence in the lineup. Of course right now he’s your 3rd best offensive option behind Harvey and Neuienheis. (Btw – what exactly is he doing here?)

    • Dennis

      Couldn’t agree more!

    • mikeL

      that’s a humongous *if*

      it reminds me of the national broadcasters talking
      glowingly of the return of pop to the lineup once bay
      was off the DL.

      ike has been an automatic out seemingly forever.
      for a player to bounce back as he did in the 2nd half last year –
      and then seemingly forgets everything he learned from
      it speaks volumes.

      yes satin will have a slump (perhaps) but as a contact hitter
      i don’t expect the great peaks and valleys of an ike kingman
      type. in spite of so much failure the beat reporters can’t imagine a mets future w/o ike while always qualifying satin’s success with phrases like ‘not part of the team’s future’

      we’ll see…

      • Don’t get me wrong – I like Satin and absolutely believe he is one of the reasons the team is playing better right now. The Mets have a team concept going – guys like Satin, Andrew Brown, Young, etc, are giving the team a lot of energy and baseball knowhow. It’s a lot more fun to watch Satin than the automatic out that Ike has been. But, to compare Ike to Kingman isn’t fair -Kong couldn’t catch a volleyball if you threw it to him underhand. And it’s easy to love someone batting .390 – but guess what? Everyone loved Murphy when he was doing the same thing. When his average normalized half the fanbase wanted him traded. I’m just saying, before you give up on Ike, remember what he is capable of – great power, decent average, good defense. If Satin can maintain a .300 average and get a little bit of pop, he should be part of the mix, but if he ends up as a .270 singles hitter with a low on base average, his upside will be much lower than Ike’s. And we won’t know that until he’s played A LOT more games.

        • Dennis

          The Ike/Kingman comparisons are a bit unfair…….hard to give up on him yet. He’s only 26. Not the first player in MLB history to be sent down to get straightened out and have a good career. The same fans who want him jettisoned from the team now will be the same ones moaning about management letting him go if he were to go .280-35-110 on another team.

  • Ken K. in NJ

    Sorry I’m a little late with this, but my take was that Gibson wanted to get Aardsma out of the game, knowing he (Gibson) had more bullpen bullets left than Collins. Collmenter himself probably would have been good for 5 or 6 innings, while Collins was getting perilously close to having to bring in Bombs Away Brandon (Five Extra Base Hits) Lyon, on short rest yet.

  • mikeL

    actually came up with that one on my own… but of course great minds think alike…