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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It Just Hit Me

I realized something maybe a half-hour ago. I can live without these Mets making the playoffs. But I can't (or, more accurately, desperately don't want to) live with these Mets missing the playoffs. Do you understand the delineation? Not winning is fine. They not-win plenty. But to become synonymous with this sort of finish, to become “the 2007 Mets” for all time, to become the universal reference point for every late-season slide/choke…no, I can't stand for that. I just can't.

So c'mon Pedro! You've pitched several significant games as a Met, but you've never been asked to pitch a must-win game for us. This is must-must-MUST-win, tonight. For all the magic we like to ascribe to you and for all the vibes we like to derive from you, it comes down to pitching like Pedro Martinez. Like you have three times this month. Like you did so long and so well so that this organization had to sign you for its own good.

You I Gotta Believe in. Save us from ourselves, would you?

Just watch the clubhouse floor there. I hear it can get slippery.

11 comments to It Just Hit Me

  • Anonymous

    Let's Go Pedro!

  • Anonymous

    I've brought up in this space before the old saw about “losing hurts worse than winning feels good.”
    I've always thought that was a load of B.S., but now I think I need to make a distinction.
    For the “underdog” winning feels best. If the Phillies win the NL East, it would blow away the hurt of falling short. Conversely, if the Mets win it will feel more like relief than triumph.
    So, with apologies to Vin Scully, “Choking hurts about the same as exceeding expectations feels good.”
    I wasn't nearly as tense before game 7 last year – we were the “insurgents,” trying to come back from the 3-2 deficit. Losing hurt, but maybe less so since we ended on a rally that fell short. Not the same a “blowing a big lead” hurt.
    I've still got the Faith, but I'm feeling The Fear as only a Mets fan can.

  • Anonymous

    So c'mon Pedro! You've pitched several significant games as a Met, but you've never been asked to pitch a must-win game for us.
    I guess in hindsight it didn't end up meaning all that much. And it was, after all, April.
    Still, in Atlanta, facing John Smoltz and an 0-6 start on the eve of Opening Day, sure felt like a must win at the time.
    I'll happily take a similar outcome tonight, in any event.

  • Anonymous

    Incredibly significant was the victory over Smoltz for all kinds of reasons spiritual and practical. It certainly had must-iness written all over it. But April '05 vs. September '07…y'know?
    Glavine never had to pitch a must-win regular season game for us before last night either (must-win postseason game, yes). He didn't exactly come through with flying colors. You've got to be able to rely on your Hall of Famers on these late evenings.

  • Anonymous

    Any chance Mota is Jewish?

  • Anonymous

    I guess that was sort of the essence of my nit-pick. Outside of Al Leiter in Cincinnati in October '99, game 6 and game 7 last year, etc. there are big games, not so much “must wins.”
    Glavine spit the bit last night, and yet here we are with another game. This is probably Pedro's biggest start as a Met to date, but he's pitched in a big spot for us before.

  • Anonymous

    However, if these year's Mets DO miss the playoffs, keep in mind that the Red Sox are doing anything in their power to distract attention from the fact by losing their own 14 1/2 games lead over the Yankees… Take solace in THAT!

  • Anonymous

    Scott Schoeneweis, lights-out closer?!?!?!

  • Anonymous

    All right, Pedro. All right, Mets. You did it. You suck less than the Marlins. I am satisfied. For now.

  • Anonymous

    They've won 2 out of their last 3! Break up the Mets!

  • Anonymous

    This is the line of the year.