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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Best. Catch. And. Card. Ever.

I’m a little fuzzy on why more baseball cards don’t portray players executing their signature moments. I was extraordinarily delighted when Jason sent me Upper Deck No. 381 from its 2007 set last spring. If you’re gonna get an Endy Chavez, you might as well get the Endy Chavez. We have him, incidentally, for two more years. We will have what he did on October 19, 2006 for much, much longer.

6 comments to Best. Catch. And. Card. Ever.

  • Anonymous

    Even though it looks exactly like other photographs of the catch, there is the possibility Endy recreated it while posing for his bubble gum card…. one can never trust that ruthless corporate magnets would not try to deceive the public by using an unsuspecting Endy in a scheme to increase the value of the card on the secondary market.

  • Anonymous

    “Hello, Endy? This is Upper Deck. We want to put out a card of you making the catch, but we didn't get a good shot the first time. Can you fly up to Shea so we can restage it? Great! Listen, even though it's the offseason, don't wear your coat. We gotta make it authentic looking to fool all the collectors and bloggers.”

  • Anonymous

    HI Greg,
    Endy would not have needed the inconvenience of an off-season flight to Flushing – a local photographer could have stopped by his house, taken a picture of him standing on his toe and fill in the background with computer graphics. A step up from brush-stroking the letters off of the caps of traded players like Topps did decades ago.

  • Anonymous

    You may be onto something. As I squint closely at it, that's not even Endy Chavez in a Mets uniform. That's Mickey Lolich in a Tigers cap.

  • Anonymous

    Lolich also doing commercials for Jenny Craig?

  • Anonymous

    They lost the game and series..Nice catch though..Senior Beltran goes down looking is pretty much what has stayed with me the most.No bubble gum card for that-but I hope he has at least the chance for a repeat performance..