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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Whatever They’re Doin’, It’s Workin’

Hey Brodie, whatcha doin’?
Throwing a chair in a meeting with Mickey and his coaches.

Awesome! Hey Brodie, why ya throwin’ a chair?
I won’t be taking any further questions at this time.

Cool! Hey Mickey, whatcha doin’?
Getting ejected after Frazier did, but otherwise trying to act like everything is perfectly normal around here.

Outta sight! Hey Todd, whatcha doin’?
Getting ejected before Mickey did and maybe being a little too feisty for my and the team’s own good.

Freaky! Hey Dom, whatcha doin’?
Lashing a couple of big two-baggers — and trying to keep Frazier from getting his skull dented by Arrieta.

Neato! Hey Tomás, whatcha doin’?
Doubling in three runs to put us ahead and sticking my tongue out like Gene Simmons.

Rock on! Hey Squirrel, whatcha doin’?
Adding four more base hits to my historically impressive collection.

Sweet! Hey Steven, whatcha doin’?
Working out of the pen again.

Crazy! Hey Adeiny, whatcha doin’?
Making game-saving catches after Frazier got ejected.

Nifty! Hey Noah, whatcha doin’?
Giving up too many runs, but somehow lasting five as the pitcher of record on the winning side.

Wild! Hey Justin, Robert and Seth, whatcha doin’?
Not being the collective unmitigated disaster you’ve become conditioned to believe we are.

Radical! Hey Edwin, whatcha doin’?
Surviving some hard-hit balls and giving Ken Rosenthal an interview in surprisingly fluent English after I nailed down a save.

Amazin’! Hey Mets, whatcha doin’?
Winning for a change.

No kidding! That’s great! Hey, anybody know what the deal was with Brodie throwing that chair?
Sorry, Mr. Van Wagenen isn’t taking any further questions at this time.

7 comments to Whatever They’re Doin’, It’s Workin’

  • 9th string catcher

    No Mickey, no Ramos, no problem.

  • 9th string catcher

    Hey, Robbie! Whatcha doin?

    Same old same old.

    Oh well.

  • Greg Mitchell

    Revealing contrast in the final inning as Segura throws out runner from deep in hole after Rosario makes stop–taps his glove as usual despite fast runner–and fails to get runner. He is just not a SS, sorry. Has the narrow range of Jeter without being competent.

    Love the hailing of Diaz “bounce back” outing–gave up smash up the middle he luckily stopped, then smash over third needing great play, then hard single, before one good K.

    Borrowing from John Sterling: “What DO ya know, Robbie Cano?”

    After listening to Girardi for a few innings(I didn’t know who it was at first and thought “Who is this lame, off-the-mark guy named Joe?”) I’d no longer want him as manager.

  • Hey Jake, whatcha doin’?

    I’ll put a dent in his skull. after my surgery.

    • Seth

      “I’ll put a dent in his skull.” Lol — guess he didn’t have time to think up a better insult/threat. How would that even work? Skulls don’t dent.

  • Left Coast Jerry

    It was nice to hear a 9th inning chant in the stands of “Let’s Go Mets” instead of “Wilpons suck” for a change.

  • Daniel Hall

    I know something else that should be flung, I just don’t know into which river I’d fling it…