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Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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First Order of Business
by Greg Prince on 24 April 2009 8:21 pm
When the Mets begin decorating their new house in earnest, the first order of business is to mark the franchise as proud participants in all seven of their postseasons, just as was done across the lot at Shea Stadium. The flags are already up for the World Champions and the National League Champions. The rest need to follow. Every October counts.
Photograph by the always championship-caliber David G. Whitham.
1988? 1999? 2006?
Did something happen in those years?
88' post season haunts me to this very day. 99' one game and one game only comes to mind (6)..
06' bothers me for allowing the Cardinals to get the best of us!!
Rich P
Yeah. I think they intended this, but they didn't realize how much they butchered the flag pole height. Since it conflicts with both the Pepsi sign, and the scoreboard view from right field for some when the wind blows (though, if they've thought of this or care? who knows.) It seems they had to come up with an alternative for most of these flags
I counted seven poles yesterday, where previously there were six (I think). Seven would do just fine if the purpose is showing off the '69 to '06 collection.
Speaking of flagpoles, I might suggest, even though America rocks, using some of the space above the ballpark for standings flags as was the custom over Shea prior to September 2001. Right now there are, oh, about 8,000 American flags lining the perimeter of the building. A little red, a little teal (lined up behind the blue and orange, of course) would bring a welcome spritz of color.
To reiterate, America rocks.
Yeah. I miss those flags. They used to have 'em on the outfield walls too right? I'd love even if they just had the NL East five in standing order somewhere.
I think the over/under on Francessa flipping out and claiming we were copying the Yankees (who apparently did that with the flags on the roof) is 37 seconds.
I think that unsold spot on the diamondvision scoreboard that's currently occupied by a gratuitious SNY logo could host all of these just fine.
I believe the flags at the tops of both places are to remind the people that they are still in the United States- such as it is..
Rich P