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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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A Happy Thought

This is the last weekend without a Mets game for a long, long time.
Ahh. It's February with a big winter storm on the way, but somehow it just got a lot warmer.

4 comments to A Happy Thought

  • Anonymous

    Bought my first preseason magazine of the year, Athlon Sports. There won't be a lot of content that will knock my socks off, so why spend $6.99?
    Because David Wright is on the cover. Not in a little box, not as an inset, not standing on the spike tongue of Alex Rodriguez, but all by himself. Athlon didn't do the New York cover this year. They did a split run.
    They deserve to be thanked.
    Also, Snigh Alert: Game One, 2006 NLDS. Tag Body Spray. 7 o'clock Monday night til 10. Be there.

  • Anonymous

    I always say the day pitchers and catchers report is the first day of summer!

  • Anonymous

    Guarantee: The newscasts this morning will be chock full of video taken at hardware stores. You know, customers lining up in droves for snow shovels, which begs the question:
    What did these people do with their shovels from last year? Or the last storm? Did they think it was never going to snow again? Even if you account for shovel attrition, folks moving into their very first homes, people who lost their shovels when they last moved and reverse-snowbirds (sundogs?) who have never lived in a snowy clime until just this moment, the ratio of new shovels to New Yorkers always amazes me.
    Do you throw your bat away in October, believing it's never going to spring again?
    Wait, maybe there's a correlation. Maybe everybody hears about these pitchers and catchers and their fielder colleagues, and the excitement is so overwhelming that they all toss their snow shovels into the nearest Dumpster-brand trash bin. If baseball is arriving, what possible chance is there that there could ever be winter again?
    Two to four inches' chance, unfortunately. Tell me all ya want about annual renewal, et al. I still need my shovel out there.

  • Anonymous

    Greg, you lucky dog. I have to settle for Ichiro on the cover of my Athlon.