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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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So they told us a little about our new network, and, well, it's weird. At least according to the New York Times. SportsNet New York, the kind of name you need a room full of marketing drones, lawyers and miscellaneous suits to come up with, provided you prime the pump with tens of thousands of dollars worth of Cosi and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of salary time. (But what do I know? I was hoping they'd call it the No Network.)

In typical Metsian fashion, we seem borderline embarrassed that our own network will include so much us. Lots of talk of lame other sports and sports-news shows. Dude, whatever. It's not too late — in exchange for the promise of a Cosi sandwich (I dig the basil-and-mozzarella one myself) and, say, $30, here's some advice for SNNY about what to show:

* Um, current Met games. Show 'em again in the daytime or at night.

* Minor-league games. Give me a chance to see who'd be on the roster if we could live without the contributions of Ice Williams and Danny Graves.

* Cyclones games. I mean, duh.

* Spring-training games. All of 'em. Hell, I'll watch intersquad games. Send Guy Conti up the tower at St. Lucie with a camcorder and I'll watch that.

* Old Met games. Lots of 'em. In fact, here's what you do: Show old Met games in their entirety from November through February. Don't condense 'em (it's the winter — what the hell else do I have to do?) and, most importantly, don't tell us what game it is. They don't even all have to be wins — 15% to 20% losses would be just fine. What we need is a guarantee that we'll see a thriller and most of the time we'll win it.

* Postseasons. Just rotate the ones we've been in each year. Though I reserve the right to skip Game 7 of the '88 NLCS.

* Old season-in-review tapes. Like you wouldn't watch “Expressway to the Big Leagues” and marvel at how exciting the Mets will be with hurlers like Rob Gardner and Dick Selma. I'm not sure I could ever sit through “Think Big” again, on the other hand. Oh, who am I kidding. I could too. Ditto for that Rey Ordonez highlight tape during which Rey lost interest and starting wandering off the field.

* Winter-league games. I know it's mid-January when I find myself watching another inning of Mexican League ball because McKay Christensen will bat if Obregon sends seven guys to the plate.

* If all else fails, any old “This Week in Baseball,” “When It Was a Game,” etc. would work. If it's old enough that I don't instinctively bristle at the sight of a Yankee (we're up to Don Mattingly but not yet to Charlie Hayes), it's old enough to show.

Mets. Television. It ain't that complicated.

P.S. Tonight I looked at the Rockies' starting lineup and realized the only guy I was sure I'd heard of was Clint Barmes, and he'd never faced us. Glavine could totally no-hit the Colorado Springs Sky Sox, I thought to myself. Even told Emily as much. I wasn't that far off.

6 comments to Networking

  • Anonymous

    Well, folks, if you wanted to know what life is like in our house 5 months of the year, you've just found out. A man yearning for Mexican league ball (even though the only word he knows in Spanish is cerveza). We've been married ten years today, and sometimes it's still hard to believe what I've gotten myself into.

  • Anonymous

    If you're a Met fan watching Mexican League ball, then “cerveza” is the most important Spanish word to know. Let me now teach you the second most important Spanish word to know: “carajo”.

  • Anonymous

    All our thoughts and prayers are with you…except for Greg's, who sees absolutely nothing wrong with that scenario. Hosannas to Stepanhie as well.
    Of course, a Mr. Met animated cartoon for the kiddies would be nice…

  • Anonymous

    If some SNY (or snigh) producer isn't securing the rights to the Bob Murphy season of Bowling For Dollars, then the whole enterprise is doomed from the start.
    You can just sense this is going to fail. And then we'll be lucky if we can get Mets games on Wometco Home Theatre.

  • Anonymous

    Ok, so now who do I complain to around here about that insipid WHT jingle that's been dislodged from my unconcious memory and is now rattling around my brain?

  • Anonymous

    When you're the Ice Williams of husbands, it's critical to find the Omar Minaya of wives….