The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Now Let Us Never Speak Of It Again


What game?

I saw no game.

There was no game.

You thought you saw a game?


You saw no game.

There was no game.

Oh My God, Wasn't That Awful?

You know what's smack in the middle between champs and chumps?


Last time I checked, chimps had never won a World Series. Or much of anything else.

Somewhere Between Champs and Chumps

Five in the first. Five in the ninth. A whole lotta mess in between.

The Mets prevailed in a game that had neither manager inclined to take his charges to the Tastee-Freez afterwards. Lord, what a mess. That thing took 326 pitches, six walks, six hit batsmen, 18 strikeouts and a whole lot of forbearance in […]

I'm Just Not That Into Them (Either)

Hey, Jace, isn't this the March conversation? The one in which I'm all “Who the bleep are these guys calling themselves Mets? I don't think I'm going to be able to get behind them as I have every April since I was 7”? And you tell me, no, of course you will…and I generally fall […]

My Confession

The schedule was for Joshua's grandfather to bring him back on the late side tonight — somewhere between 9:30 and 10:00. So this afternoon Emily and I started batting dinner ideas back and forth. About halfway through, she stopped and said, “Unless you want to watch the game….”

“Nah,” I said. “That's OK.”

As it turned out, […]

Ain't No Doubt About It, We Were Doubly Blessed

In the summer of 1999, Nike ran the most brilliant series of commercials I ever saw. It was geared to the New York market and aired in sync with that season’s Subway Series.

Maybe you recall it, too. There were six Mets — Ventura, Ordoñez, Yoshii, McRae, Olerud and John Franco — playing four Yankees — […]

The Book is Called Mets Fan for a Reason

Dana Brand told a fib. But we’ll forgive him.

Up front in Mets Fan, Dana says he has written a book “for fans of the New York Mets, and for baseball fans everywhere.”

It’s a benign half-truth. This is a book for us. It’s a book for Mets fans. It’s a book we deserve. It’s a book […]

Bonds' Mets Targets Revealed

I used to tote around a loose theory that if Al Harazin hadn't wasted the Mets' money on Bobby Bonilla in the winter of 1991 that he could have spent it more wisely one December later on Barry Lamar Bonds.

Wait with the “who needed him, the bum?” knee-jerk reflex if you can for a moment. […]

The Kindness of Relative Strangers

So it's the first day of the rest of my season, the day after the night I cleansed my soul of expectation and admitted to myself that not only am I genuinely uncertain of what the immediate future holds for the Mets but that I'm willing to live with the consequences.

1-0 thus far in this […]

It's Gonna Be OK

Was it the cruel Willingham slam off Mota? No, I still had hope then. The criminal bullshit out call on the expertly sliding Reyes? No, because we had at least efficiently tied it that inning. Heilman loading the bases on a walk, a hit by pitch and another walk? It was coming, but it hadn't […]