The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Divisional Realignment

The National League East refurbishes as the trade deadline (4 PM Tuesday) approaches.

The Braves are about to get Mark Teixeira from Texas for Jerrod Jarrod Saltalamacchia and prospects.

The Phillies have picked up Kyle Lohse from Cincinnati.

And your New York Mets will reportedly acquire 2B Luis Castillo from the Twins for non-prospects Drew Butera and Dustin […]

The Day the Killer Rally Wasn't a Rally Killer

My moment of clarity — or what passes for such for the likes of me — came during the fourth inning of yesterday's rain-shortened Met victory, alongside Greg and Stephanie and Emily and Joshua.

Mets up 2-0. Rain coming down steadily and worse rumored to be on the way. Three Nats outs required for an […]

Learn Baseball With Professor Joshua

Moises Alou has been around for hundreds of years.

A 1-1 count with 1 out is neutral-neutral-neutral.

Carlos Gomez is the best or perhaps just fastest Met.

Ramon Castro hit a triple-decker…no…double-decker home run because it was good for two runs.

The “Jose!” song helps Jose Reyes.

Every baserunner aims to steal the next base in front of him.

We're supposed […]

Five Hall of Fame Starts Among Hundreds

There's never a wrong day to consider Tom Seaver's career, but every Hall of Fame induction day in particular, I like to think about our only authenticated Mets Hall of Famer. Seeing as how his pitching speaks so well for itself, I thought it would be appropriate to choose five lines from five starts from […]

The Continuing Misadventures of the Worst Good Team in Baseball

If it wasn't Willie Randolph burning his entire bench in the seventh (whywhywhywhywhy), leading to the sight of Tom Glavine pinch-hitting in the ninth, it was Lastings Milledge air-mailing everybody south of the loge on a throw home, or Mike Pelfrey crawling out of the wreckage of his usual one bad inning, or Pedro Feliciano […]

I'm Just Not a Day-Night Person

As day-night doubleheaders go, I think I know which side of sundown I need to choose.

When this particular makeup for the rainout of April 15 was announced, I was fascinated. Had the Mets ever done this before? Day-night doubleheaders used to be the province of a place like Fenway Park, where there aren't enough seats […]

Beauty and the Beast

Baseball, we all know, is beautiful down to its tiniest rituals and motions. The way the hitter steps out with just his front foot and blows out a long breath before swinging himself back all the way into the box. That pause, fraught with potential, when the pitcher looks down at the ball in his […]

At This Moment, You Mean Everything

If it’s the final Friday of the month, then it’s the seventh installment of the special Top 10 Songs of All-Time edition of Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

In March of 1983, there were two particularly sweet sounds that captured my attention: überprospect Darryl Strawberry making contact in St. Petersburg and Dexys Midnight […]

A Dumb Game After A Night Game

Winning them all continues to be not an option. Damn.

The not-quite-lucky/not-quite-sound doings in the top of the sixth bubble up like goo from time to time in a season, even against a preternaturally doomed club like the Pirates. Unappealing, but a fact of life. So take it out on the Nationals this weekend.

One thing did […]

Pine Has Been Grabbed

Joshua and I are back from five blissful days up in the piney woods in Maine, a nice dose of anti-New York City for a New York City boy. My parents' summer house is idyllic for a kid who loves animals and learning about nature, offering no shortage of rewarding sights and sounds for small […]