The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It's Business Time

You know that baseball season that began a few weeks ago on a Sunday night in April? It's one hundred games old now. Time has alternately flown and dragged, but somehow we have again reached triple digits.


We're 57-43, in first place in the N.L. East, four games in front of the second-place team, holding the […]

John Maine Drives a Cadillac

The American League doesn’t know what it’s missing.

Eff the DH. Eff the “nine hole”. Eff the whole concept that the pitcher is an automatic out, because in those lunar eclipse moments when maybe once a year, maybe once every few years, you see your guy take the other team’s guy deeper than the night, stronger […]

Peace, Love, But Hate Dick Young

It's too hot for a sermon. Just go to Metstradamus and cast a vote for Dick Young.

The third annual Hall of Hate balloting is nearing its close, 11:59 tonight. As the dawn approaches, Dick Young is 13 votes behind the All-Star Home Field Rule in the election for the second of two spots available to […]

Suddenly, The Wheels are in Motion

Some successful cultural phenomena defy mortal understanding. One of them is the Broadway genre known as the jukebox musical, one that has turned the catalogues of pop artists or soundtracks from familiar films into excuses for shows — expensive-to-attend shows. With the exception of the GrandABBA of them all, Mamma Mia, Stephanie and I have […]

For Shame

We deserved that.

Every one of us who thought “yeah, that's too bad about Valen…oh boy! Ruben Gotay is gonna play more!” deserved to watch Gotay throw away a sure double play ball in the sixth and, with it, any hope of keeping the Dodgers in sight Saturday.

For shame. For shame on anyone who took the […]

Well, the 'Jose' Chant Just Got Simpler

A plea for Jose Valentin, AKA “Other Jose” when Reyes's cheer was adapted for his good deeds: In six to eight weeks please be careful crossing streets and going down stairs. Because it ain't your year.

Valentin's run of miserable luck (knee, wall-punching hand, etc.) has now culminated with a broken tibia, one I imagine will […]

Never Ending Torre

If you’ve been staring at the same damn face for four decades, chances are it’s Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

Some facts I was exposed to when I was 4 years old:

In 1960, Joe led the Northern League with a .344 avg.

In 1964, Joe led the N.L. with a .994 fielding mark.

The young […]

I Had the Strangest Dream Last Night

In the morning I'm frequently awakened because a four-year-old just stamped on my clavicle, bounced himself next to my head, snaked the covers off me or is jumping up and down yelling “AND THE METS WIN!” This is one of Joshua's newer habits — he makes up baseball games and runs the bases. In his […]

Flashback Thursday: 2005

Jose Reyes was swinging at the first pitch.

David Wright was learning on the job.

Carlos Beltran seemed, at last, to be finding himself.

Aaron Heilman pitched a couple of key innings.

Ramon Castro came off the bench and made you wonder why he doesn't start more often.

Tom Glavine looked like he'd never get close to 300 wins.

And Marlon […]

One 1992 Soldier Won't Ride Away

We’ll be running into Jeff Kent in Los Angeles this weekend, something you might not have bet on 15 years ago next month. Jeff Kent was not wanted by Mets fans, not for David Cone. The 1992 Mets had already reached base camp at the bottom of their mountain after having careened steadily downhill through […]