The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Slightest of Positives

Want to take a slight positive from Wednesday night's miserable loss — besides Wright's act of tying it temporarily and our somehow giving no ground to our divisional pursuers? Consider that erstwhile chum Mike Cameron didn't catch miscast designated hitter Carlos Delgado's home run in the seventh. It could have/would have been a great catch, […]

A Thought Experiment Put to a Half-Assed Test

A few years back I decided to torture Greg with a thought experiment: Would you want the Mets to win the World Series if you couldn't watch any of the season or postseason? (At least that's how I remember it. Correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Prince.)

The answer I was expecting was a flat “no,” […]

Our Second Baseman of the Immediate Future

Julio Franco is back with the Braves. They’re desperately giving one last shot to an old, broken-down baseball refugee in the hopes he will rekindle the lost magic both he and they had together…or he and they will revive on contact and wreak all kinds of vengeful havoc on the Mets.

Guess which scenario I’m living […]

The Pacific is as Blue as it Has Been in My Dreams

When I think of the San Diego Padres, I think of a line from The Shawshank Redemption, what Andy Dufresne says to Red Redding about where he wants to live out the rest of his life:

You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? They say it has no memory.

From one season to the next, […]

The Summer Wind

Baseball comes down to rituals, too many to count, too wonderful to bother. Some recur in some form annually. Others 162 times a year and then some. Once in a while they collide.

Saturday night, one of my favorite rituals of baseball, one of the bonus tracks on every season’s DVD, popped up on the menu. […]

The Other Possibility

If you went to bed at 10 and looked at the box score in the morning, maybe you thought, “Eh, ho-hum loss. Mets didn't convert hits, Padres got to Sosa early, Heilman stank.”

But it's not so. Or, rather, it's not the whole story.

Sosa was fine and the Mets fell apart late, but you could see […]

It's Getting Hot Out There

It'd be an exaggeration to call the Mets hot — like Greg, I'll need to be won over further before declaring our putative NL East leader fit for duty. Three out of four against the Reds? Sorry, but that's the stuff of necessity, not luxury. Lastings Milledge would seem to qualify as hot, and has […]

Golf Clap

It's the Mets' first two-game winning streak since they and I were in Philadelphia. Momentum ho!

With a weeklong westward journey whose manifest lists seven grueling tests of Methood ahead, one can only hope.

We don't get fooled again here, or at least we don't get turned around that fast. Jason held his applause Saturday night for […]

All is Forgiven, Norris

I want to tell you about Ralph Kiner Night. I really do. But first I have to tell you about Norris Hopper Weekend.

Norris Hopper is the Reds' centerfielder. He plays Ken Griffey's former position and wears Ken Griffey's former number. That's all I knew about him as of the first inning Friday.

Well, that's not entirely […]

I'll Hold My Applause

Not for Tom Glavine, who thoroughly earned No. 298 by baffling every Red who wasn't named Brandon Phillips. Glavine gets claps until my hands are sore. Same for the Mets' defense — the back-to-back sparklers from Gotay and Reyes will get the highlights, but David Wright had another quietly impressive game in the field. (Though […]