The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Sucks To Be Them, Good To Be Us

So the Phillies managed not to be swept a four-game series by the Mets. So the Phillies can continue to entertain the possibility that they are in a three-way race for the Eastern Division lead. So the Phillies, for one more day, can avoid their date with destiny.

The Phillies are the Chinese food of the […]

Once Upon a Time…

…there was a team that had a starting rotation many — including some of us — thought was better than ours. Whose lineup seemed to stack up pretty well with ours. A team that talked big that this was their year, for the first time since 1980 and the second time since … well, since […]

The Other Ballpark

“Greg? Is that you?”

“Um, yeah. Hi Shea.”

“Where have you been all Friday? You missed the day-night doubleheader on TV. The Mets swept!”

“I heard. Great for us.”

“You must’ve heard. You have an extra-big smile on your face.”

“Sure. I’m always happy when the Mets take two.”

“From the Phillies, no less.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s who they played.”

“You guess! […]

Something Called Love Made Me Wanna Find Out

If it’s the final Friday of the month, then it’s the sixth installment of the special Top 10 Songs of All-Time edition of Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

Juan Berenguer, Ray Burris and Roy Lee Jackson each recorded one hit in 1979. That makes them the kindred Met spirits of Roger Voudouris.

Unless Warner […]

Rainout Theatre

No game tonight. No makeup announced. Good chance for those of us planning to be the kind of obnoxious visiting fan we despise at Shea to prepare our road grays and bon mots (“HEY BURRELL! YOU SUCK!”) for Citizens Bank Park.

While you're otherwise without Mets baseball tonight, we present some FAFIF classics to get you […]

Complete Enough Game Win

Great idea this quitting while we're ahead and before lending too much dignity to Anthony Reyes.

Goodness knows Tom Glavine deserves a backdoor win after the dozens we've thrown out the window on his behalf since 2003. I missed the one Cardinal hit that was apparently a close enough call to have made things almost unbearable. […]

Spit It Out

Swish that saliva…prepare that hock…ptui! Gotta get the bad taste of an eleven-inning loss out of your mouth.

Yeech. Bad game. Lost at the bat, in the field, on the mound and by the manager. No one culprit. All are guilty.

And yet? It's just a loss. Just a loss even though it snapped an encouraging four-game […]

Film Noir at Shea


An older, athletic-looking man hobbles across a parking lot on a gimpy knee. The man is Latin, with a thin mustache. Suddenly, a FAN comes racing out from between the expensive roadsters and gleaming SUVs. The FAN looks crazed. He begins shaking the gimpy-kneed man by the lapels.


I didn't see […]

Then Fall Became the Summer

Game Eleven went to the Mets, just as did Games Eight, Nine and Ten. Where 2006 is concerned, those are four wins that do us a fat lot of good. But where 2007 matters, the sweep of the Cardinals to start the season certainly pushed us toward a better future and last night’s Shawnoff shot […]

Second Time's the Charm

Two summers ago the Human Fight, our friend Pete and I were all watching the Mets take on the Angels. Bottom of the 10th, Mets down 3-2, two on and two out, and Cliff Floyd slams a long drive into the right-field seats, just foul. Pete was thrilled — obviously Floyd would hit the next […]