The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Series Preview

Cardinals at Mets: What to Look For


Horrible flashbacks.

Horrible, haunting flashbacks to Games Two and Seven.

Horrible, haunting flashbacks to a World Series never played.


Regret at opportunity wasted.

Regret at what the flagpole doesn't fly.

Gnawing, burning regret that defies amelioration.


A desire to avenge the darkest night of the soul.

A thirst for vengeance that has built since October 19, […]

Softly As A's Leave Us

Interleague play rocks!

Well it does this weekend as the Oakland Athletics, like our mopes and gripes, have been swept from Shea not a moment too soon and, for those of you who grip a good grudge, 34 years too late.

No sense dumping on some team we are not likely to see again in these parts […]

Sing, O Muse, of the Rage of Paul Lo Duca

No worries, blog partner. I couldn't hear you and you couldn't hear me, but we both knew that the other guy was yelling happy things.

OK, tonight's game wasn't quite epic enough to deserve this post's title. But it was a satisfying game for any baseball fan whose tastes run to pitchers' duels, but likes a […]

The Amazing Disappearing Blogger

To the total stranger who sat to my left Saturday night and, by extension, the ultra, ultra, ultra nice person who gave me the tickets that made my presence in your row possible: No, the large man in the New York Cubans cap did not leave a 0-0 nailbiter in the middle of the eighth […]

Vast Left Wing Conspiracy

Fox News Channel says it's fair and balanced. I reported that. You decide. I'm all for leaving politics out of baseball even if the Mets invited Fox News into their recently established No-Win Zone to sponsor Rollabana Night (a Rollabana is one of those marvelously corporate names for a thing you had no idea was […]

Mo Hit One For Casey

When we paws to remember those who made our world a more joyous, more loving place, it’s Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear and Flushing.

The Aikens family of Seneca, S.C. had the right idea. One fall day in 1954, not long after the New York Giants swept the Cleveland Indians for the world championship, they […]

Mets' Magic Number Continues to Dwindle

The New York Mets would like to welcome their exclusive sponsor for the month of June, Kinko's.

Kinko's: For when you need every loss in a pile of losses to look and feel exactly the same as the loss before it. At Kinko's, we can rapidly replicate a single loss over and over and over again […]

Dead First-Place Team Walking

It was a team of Cuddyers versus a team of cadavers Tuesday night. Who would your money be on?

I suppose there's no shame in losing to one of the pitchers if not the pitcher of our generation, but there is a mighty-Mississippi-wide difference between taking a few collars and tipping a few caps and meekly […]

I See Great Things in Baseball

Granted, it hadn't done much to repair or losses or been much of a blessing to us recently. But last night was a night to remember the simple sweetness of what baseball's like when your team isn't trying to remove your heart from your body with a rusty box cutter while you bite through your […]

ESPN Scoreboard: Globetrotters 8, Generals 2

Like all good-hearted people, I hate the Yankees.

When you break down that statement a bit, though, things get more complicated. The only members of the current roster whom I actually loathe are Satan and Miguel Cairo, and Miguel Cairo isn't worth more than passing bile. What I really hate is the franchise as a collective […]