The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Avoid Michigan in Years Ending in '7'

10-3 after five.

Glavine taking a shot at 300 losses.

Runners on third don't go home nearly enough.

I have a headache.

Edited to add:

15-7 after nine.

Smith is out of pixie dust.

Six runners in position to score in fact did not.

My headache was about gone before I began to think about this game again.

So I shall stop doing […]

In the Motor City, It's Customary to Drive Runners Home

From the third inning of Tuesday’s game until the fifth inning of Saturday’s game, the Mets scored a total of nine runs. They came on a solo homer, a groundout to second, three consecutive solo homers, a solo homer, another solo homer, a sac fly and a catcher’s two-base throwing error. That means when Jose […]

Detroit Muscle

Being a baseball fan is hard work. At least the players can do things. Our primary occupation is to squirm, fret and get lost in our own anxieties.

Death Month '07 began in earnest with the Alternate Reality World Series, known in this universe as the World Series of Bitterness, or the Except for the Fact […]

Wrong Date, Pretty Boy

If you’re flipping through channels and come upon a rerun you haven’t watched in a long time, then it must be Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

No fictional character in the popular culture — not Sidd Finch, not Chico Escuela, not Oscar Madison — has done more to enhance the Metropolitan legend than […]

Payback's a Burrell

Well, who didn't see that coming?

It's one of those weeks. They occur from time to time in the life of a contender. Your starters carry you, you can't score at every dripping-wet opportunity and your bullpen conspires with a vengeful opposition to screw you over but good. It happened and happened and happened again this […]

With Its First Pick, FAFIF Selects Steve Springer

What's everybody so down about? Didn't everybody make it with a beautiful MP tonight?

—Russell Ziskey, Stripes

Listen, I'm as mopey as everybody here about Endy Chavez and all the injuries and the three-game losing streak, but…ahem…I was talking to our very own Met the other night and…

What? Doesn't everybody have their very own Met?

Faith and Fear […]

2006 Is So Last Year

We may be standing on the unanticipated and unwanted resumption of the Ricky Ledee era. At least I assume that's who'll get the call from New Orleans, though the way things are going with anyone unwise enough to set foot in our outfield, perhaps it'll be Ron Swoboda. Or me. They're saying that what struck […]

Then Versus Now

One of the greatest series of all-time will have its conclusion televised to its rabid followers in a few days. And I don't necessarily mean The Sopranos.

I hope everybody who has SNY has been able to catch at least a little of the 1969 World Series, Games Two, Three and Four these past three Mondays. […]

Now Our Problems Are Crystal-Clear

A while back Emily and I lucked into a little windfall — not win-the-lottery stuff by any means, but enough for a bit of irresponsibility. Whereupon I broached the idea of HDTV.

Where HDTV was concerned, I'd been waiting for next Christmas for several Christmases now, determined to get a big flat-panel set with various bells […]

Citi Field: Less Filling, Tastes Great?

Can a smaller ballpark whip up a bigger menu? A better menu? Our mouths are watering at the possibilities but our boilers are gurgling considering the source.

Noticed on MetsBlog that Aramark has reupped as the Mets' food concessionaire for the first thirty years of the Citi Field era. In fact, we (and/or our descendants) will […]