The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Our Town

There was not, to invoke a scenario that others have used to promote their policies in the service of weightier matters, a surrender ceremony on the deck of a battleship, but maybe there should have been something like it.

Maybe the principals should have been gathered on a 7 train idling for just this occasion. Better […]

Thank You, 2006

Make no mistake: Last night was fun.

There was Endy, gunning down Johnny Damon and turning our groans into cheers. There was Endy again, walloping an Andy Pettitte offering over the fence. There was Perez, whose game was in some ways more impressive than his Mother's Day throttling of the Brewers. He had everything working then; […]

Quick Work

Did I just watch a Met-Yankee game that lasted only 138 minutes? No wonder the Yankees lost. That's the fourth inning in the American League.

Oliver Perez may be demonstrative to the edge of flamboyant, but he doesn't screw around. Ollie proved the slightly more substantial 46 versus National League veteran Andy Pettitte. Pettitte was good. […]

Retire 24

If you’re taking care of old business every week, then it must be Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

Monday marked the 35th anniversary of Willie Mays’ debut as a New York Met. And the 35th anniversary of Willie Mays’ homecoming as a New York baseball immortal.

The two events were not coincidental.

The Mets weren’t […]

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Tolerate the Yankees

What an appetizer for the feast that is interleague baseball in New York: one of those back-from-the-dead games that keep you in your seat or in front of the TV for years.

Eight years, in fact — we last overcame a four-run deficit in the ninth on May 23, 1999 off Curt Schilling and the Phillies. […]

Holy Robert Moses!

I’d like to thank Robert Moses for remaking New York for better and for worse. I’d like to thank Robert Caro for chronicling his vision and his megalomania so perfectly in The Power Broker, my favorite book ever. Without Caro’s epic, I don’t carry around a lifelong fascination with Moses. Without the fascination, I don’t […]


This was a great win B.H. A lot of fun B.H. Jorge Sosa was again spectacular B.H. Carlos Gomez showed off his speedy young legs, his compact batting stroke and his veteran's eye at the plate B.H. David Wright showed signs that his revival is becoming a renaissance B.H. Carlos Delgado even flashed a little […]

If Your Train's On Time, Then You Prob'ly Lost By Nine

Couldn't leave well enough alone, could I? Couldn't sit back and enjoy Monday night's walkoff walk, watch Tuesday's date dissolve to debacle on TV and test out our new remote control by finding something else to stare at after Scott Schoeneweis did his level worst. No, I had to take my buddy Jim up on […]

The Best and Wuertz of Monday Night at Shea

What you know if you watched, listened or, like me, went to the game Monday night:

A single, a steal, a walk, an eventually intentional walk and a hard-fought walk defined the positive 5-4 result from a practical standpoint. Throw in Tom Glavine bearing down, the bullpen manning up and David Wright going deep and you've […]

The Boys Are Back at Shea

So Cliff Floyd is back at Shea and so are we — we'll both be in attendance for the first time in 2007.

Upper deck, Section 5, Row L, seat 4 and adjoining. If you're so motivated, get some oxygen bottles and Sherpas and come say hi. We'll be the guys going on about baseball cards […]