The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Grizzled Vet, Young Phenom

Just call us the Julio Franco and Carlos Gomez of fans. Combine an ice-cream crash and two hours of yelling and you get a tired boy destined to be dead weight on his mother’s lap from about Woodside to Grand Central.

A Mother of a Day

My friend Tom was kind enough to offer tickets he couldn't use. Emily (approached somewhat tentatively) thought it was a great idea. And so it was Emily and Joshua and I were suddenly off to Shea, Land of the Pink Visor to the First 25,000 Female Fans, for Mother's Day.

Joshua was excited. He's got his […]

I Love the Sound of Phenoms in the Early Afternoon

My sleeping habits of late make Saturday night/Sunday morning snoozing a twinbill. I tend to flake out on the couch for several hours sometime after the stray Channel 11 airing of Frasier and find myself surprised to find myself still on the couch in the dawn's early light. I'll stay up for a bit, force […]

Crescent City Calling

Let Mike Pelfrey go.

I write this without a hint of anger — as Willie Randolph notes sagely in today's Times, “with fifth starters, you don’t trip about this. All young pitchers go through that transition or phase. You have to get over that hump. Once he does, hopefully he’ll just take off.”

Wise words. But […]

The Knothole Gang

I had the uncommon pleasure of watching today's game from an orange seat a mere eight rows from the field and behind a net. Practically on top of home plate I was. I've only sat in seats whose number begins with an “X” a handful of times previously and not in a long while, so […]

Suppan Under Glass

Let’s be clear on one thing: It’s never too late to hang Jeff Suppan on the wall.

It would have been nice — nicer — if the Mets had gotten into the swing of things against their old nemesis before he became their old nemesis, but better 204 days and 4 innings later than never…not that […]

A Great Catch That Didn't Show Up in the Boxscore

If it’s exactly 20 years since the night your life changed forever for the better, then it’s Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

On that May 11 as on this May 11, the Mets were of paramount importance to me. But on that May 11 as on this May 11, some things were more […]

Notes While Watching (and Not Watching) Mets-Giants

Scribbled on the back of a piece of paper at work for consultation later:

* Klesko not touching the bag, Beltran not going back. HOJO??!!!

* Maine's been Samson'ed!

* What a weird 1st inning. Mets + Giants conspiring to get nothing out of a lot. This has the look of a weird one.

* That sun's gonna play […]

Bald Busters

Run, Jose! Run!

No, not around the bases. Away from your teammates. They're nuts.

I'd willingly endure the ostracism of 23 or 24 co-workers to retain my locks. I have very little going for me of a physical nature but at 44, I've got my hair and I'm keeping it until nature or something worse takes it. […]

My Birthday Present

That was nice of the Mets to shave their heads in solidarity with a bald, newly 38-year-old fan of theirs — a couple of hours before tonight's game I was in the barber's chair getting my biweekly buzz, unaware that 20 Mets were doing the same. Wright got buzzed the night before. Sele begged off […]