The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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This Very Special Date in New York Mets History

Today is May 8, 2007.

The Mets officially became known as the Mets on May 8, 1961.

Players who made their Met debut on May 8, include Cliff Cook (1962), Mike Phillips (1975), Chico Walker (1992), Cory Lidle (1997) and Alex Escobar (2001).

John Maine made his debut in general on May 8, 1981. I celebrated by watching […]

None Too Slick

We lost this ballgame!

We lost this ballgame on play piss-poor

Lost this ballgame…

Lost this ballgame by 9 to 4!

Oliver Peh Rez

Was cruising right along

Oliver Peh Rez was

Pitching very strong

He was beating Zito

Who didn't sign with us

Who needs Barry Zito?

Ollie's fine with us

Molinas all play catcher

I hope there's only three!

Don't you remember?

We lost this ballgame…

We lost this […]

From Infinity to Below!

Both your bloggers offered somewhat fitful attention to Sunday's finale.

While Greg was occupied with cultural matters, I was planting stuff in our backyard, radio at my back. To which I supplied my own soundtrack. Dammit Pelfrey. Come ON, Pelfrey. Just relax, Mike. Big pitch here. You can do this. C'mon, Pelf. This game's FUN, […]

Wherefore Art Thou Delgado?

Today was ballet day in New York. Since the blog era commenced, the Mets have never won on ballet day. But they've never lost in Arizona. Something had to give.

Our offense, apparently.

The ballet du jour was a big-deal production of “Romeo + Juliet”. Sad to admit I'd forgotten most of the details since I read […]

Lying Back and Enjoying

Tonight it's National League Cy Young Award Winner Brandon Webb versus New Orleans Zephyr Jorge Sosa. If that adds up to a thirteenth consecutive Mets win in Arizona, then maybe I'll just lie back and enjoy.

Jorge Sosa versus Brandon Webb added up to a thirteenth consecutive Mets win in Arizona.

I think I'll take my own […]

Everything That Could Go Wrong Didn't

I don't want to say winning in Arizona is getting too easy, but come on.

How did we not lose last night? Mind you I'm very happy we did not lose, even happier that we won our twelfth in a row at Home Away From Shea Stadium, but that thing had streakbreaker written all over it.

• […]

The Ground Floor

When their season began, they were nobody. When it ended, they were somebody. If it’s the first Friday of the month, then we’re remembering them in this special 1997 Mets edition of Flashback Friday.

Ten years, seven Fridays. This is one of them.

“I have often thought,” allowed Theodore White, one of my favorite authors, “that […]

In the Desert, You Can Remember Your Name

Ah, Phoenix.

That was a game to savor, one whose reversals just felt like plot points in a larger drama, even with Endy having struck out (for the first time!) in the ninth against Jose Valverde. The fences are just too close at the BOB or the Chase or whatever it's called today for a one-run […]

News to Mets Fans: Drop Dead

Is the Daily News kidding?

Look, I understand its sports editors are addicted to the crack pipe of Yankee BS. I understand that every series with the Red Sox blots out the sun. I understand that there is a perception that the Yankees losing to Tampa Bay is novel. I understand that Phil Hughes being called […]

Our Public Weapon

Buttons are all over my floor, each of them having bust from pride at the news that both the National League Player of the Month and the National League Pitcher of the Month for April are New York Mets. It’s a monthly double not seen in these parts since Gary Carter and Dwight Gooden were […]