The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Hot August Knights

Thanks to the industrious fellow who maintains the singularly indispensable Ultimate Mets Database and his thoughtful posting of a very helpful and completely nonjudgmental list last April on the Mets board of Mets boards Crane Pool Forum, I have at my fingertips not just the names of every Met who has ever played but the […]

New Month, New Start, New Anxieties

The sooner it stopped being April, the better life got for David Wright and Mike Pelfrey. The David's power numbers for May already dwarf those from the previous month, while Pelf used May Day to keep Willie from screaming “MAY DAY!” toward his well used bullpen. That's something.

Not much in the service of attaining a […]

Stuck in Park

Oh, how this evening seemed idyllic when it was abstract. Mets at home, last day of April, Emily and me with a chance to take in a game without putting an ice-cream-crazed child in a headlock or checking in with a babysitter. What could go wrong?

How about Jose Valentin turning out to have something partially […]

PerChan to Dream

Some of you FAFIF old-timers might recall this post, which described a day at a Mets-Cubs game when practically everything seemed surreal. You're in the middle of it and you realize it and you decide there's nothing you can do about it and you just let it ride and see where it takes you.

Well, I […]

The Bottom Line

My co-blogger is a wise man. And as a wise man, one bit of baseball wisdom he's finally gotten through my fool head is this: Style points don't matter.

From a statistical standpoint, that was a pretty unsatisfying two out of three. Ice-cold bats, poor situational hitting, runners not moved up, and the heretofore anonymous pitchers […]

People Get Ready, Johnny Is Coming

Was thinking this Monday night in the blissfully cheap seats and then stuffed a sock in it so as not to jinx the protagonist, but since he finished April undefeated and practically untouched, here goes:

And warming up in the bullpen, the starting pitcher for the National League, number thirty-three from the New York Mets…

One year […]

Move Over Angel Hernandez

Maybe you remember a game between the Pirates and the Yankees from two years ago, the one Jason Giambi won with a tenth-inning home run, signifying his return to the good graces of his loyal fans in the Bronx after he apologized for nothing in particular. Don't know if you recall the circumstances that sent […]

How You Know April's Almost Over

You know because a loss like last night's induces something in between annoyance and seething.

Earlier in April each game still feels a bit like a pleasant surprise, a way to resume the proper rhythms of life after a long winter. Earlier in April, if Shawn Green failed to advance Moises Alou from second as the […]

Foul Territory

I do not care for RFK Stadium, its short-term tenants, its deceptive power alleys, its resident closer, its proximity to potentially devastating news, its vast acreage from foul line to stands, its weird whammy on visiting baserunners, its Friday night blight on the Mets.

I do not like the Nationals in their house.

I do not like […]

Anything Less Than the Best is a Felony

If it’s the final Friday of the month, then it’s the fourth installment of the special Top 10 Songs of All-Time edition of Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

In early September 1990, I didn’t know two things that would be quite clear to everybody else by late October 1990.

1) Buddy Harrelson’s boys — […]