The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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No Impact

Nice to see a little offensive pulse late in Friday night's game, but to paraphrase Jackie Robinson, a hit is not important except in the impact is has on other hits.
Met batters made no impact on Tim Hudson. He made the best lineup in the National League ineffectual and anything Mike Pelfrey did or didn't […]

My Giants

If you can trace your roots without paying a genealogist, then it must be Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

On April 18, 1957, New York’s National League franchise opened its home schedule just as it had done every year since 1883, just as it would never do again.

Fifty years and two days […]

As Good As You Look When You Win

I have a strong suspicion that the Mets we have seen through 14 games represent the new normal. These are the 2007 Mets. Our team. Our time.
Totally this time.
Granted, it's a small sample, a mere 8.64% of the season accounted for, but have you seen anything from these Mets that worries you to any great […]

The Hits Just Keep On Coming

Congratulations go out to David Wright for extending his two-season hitting streak to 25 games and Met opponents for extending their 46-season hitting streak to 7,163 games
Both are Mets records.
There are, however, figurative asterisks attached to both marks. Wright, who has hit safely in the first 13 games of 2007, has 12 games to go […]

The Streak Goes On Forever

Greetings from Florida, where I am living proof that the Mets' no-no-hit streak can resist absolutely anything, even the self-pity and self-absorption of bloggers.
My hotel is about a half-mile down the waterfront from a house I lived in as a teenager, and haven't particularly missed — if you've never been to St. Petersburg, it looks […]

Hang On, Hubie

David Wright has now hit in 24 consecutive regular-season games, tying the franchise record set by Hubie Brooks in 1984 and equaled by Mike Piazza in 1999. Wright has done it across two seasons which makes it a different animal from its predecessors, so even if he hits in a 25th straight tonight in Florida […]

Sweep! Sweep! Sweep!

In a lot of ways, this was the perfect baseball game: Tight and tense early, with some intriguing twists and turns, and then a leisurely gallop away from the field. During Glavine's third-inning duel with Ryan Howard (bases loaded, two out, forces of good clinging to a 2-0 lead) I turned to Emily and declared, […]

All These Places Have Their Moments

Loge 13, a blog dedicated to “the last days of Shea” — thus a blog after my own heart as any I’ve ever read — reminds us that today is the 43rd birthday of the place we call home for the next 18 months. The impulse is to stick the requisite number of candles in […]

The Kid Finds a Loophole

Recently Emily decided to change the pictures around in Joshua's room, a project that began with replacing the scattering of old framed snapshots competing for space on the bookshelves with relatively current pictures of people important in his life, and continued with removing wedding pictures and oddball landscapes from the walls in favor of art […]

Used To Be Her Town, Too

With women’s basketball having recently bounced waywardly through the news and rain pounding down on our quadrant of the country, seems as good a time as any to mention that my last Girl of Summer has left the building.

So to speak.

The New York Liberty the week before last traded Becky Hammon to the San Antonio […]