The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Now We Can Call It Bayrut

The Glass Is Three-Quarters Empty and the Last Quarter Is Crappy Warm Beer Version: The Mets have signed the runner-up left fielder — the one who’s not as good a defender, who will probably not age as well as a hitter, and reportedly didn’t want to play here — to a four-year deal that’s really […]

The Best Moment of This Decade

Having established that this decade was ultimately extraordinarily disappointing, it is only fair to point that a great deal of joy was collected en route to whatever wound up befalling us. No moment in these past ten years was more joyous, to my thinking, than that which marked the gaining and absorbing of our team’s […]

They Should've Put a Ring On It

Tomorrow, December 29, is technically the fifth day of Christmas. So in that remaining holiday spirit…

On the whole
in this decade,
our Mets love
yielded us


Not any rings we can use, anyway.

In terms of not winning a World Series in the 2000s, we are not alone. Ten World Series were played and their spoils were divided eight ways. […]

Panthers 8 Giants 1

“He said he would have been happy staying in the Polo Grounds.”
—John Mara on his father Wellington’s reaction to building another new stadium, 2005

I listened to the last quarter the Giants would ever play at Giants Stadium on the radio, before, during and after a shower. The Giants were taking a bath, so there was […]

Welcome to Beirut, Mr. Escobar!

How was your Christmas? Did you enjoy the latest blue-and-orange gift? Yessir, that was Kelvim Escobar whom you unwrapped. He’s pitched all of five innings since 2007, so please handle him with care. In fact, maybe you’d better put him up on that shelf for a bit. No, that’s the end of the presents. But […]

Running for Tug

You Gotta Believe we’ll be talking this up more as we move into the new year, but I wanted to alert our little slice of Metsopotamia that one of our most stalwart citizens is in the midst of doing something very special. Sharon Chapman — Inside Pitcher on the BlogHarbor version of us and the […]

Gettin' Dickey Wit It

I know, I know…the Mets are yet again revealing themselves an unserious and possibly inept organization for not (or not yet) signing an impact free agent while instead laying in a supply of R.A. Dickeys for the hard winter ahead. It’s an easy enough charge to level.

Still, can I say something in some combination of […]

SNY Presents Stuffed Cabbage in Jars

When Mad Men‘s brilliant third season ended in November, I thought I had seen every compelling thing I could possibly see on 2009 television regarding life as it was lived in 1963 Manhattan. And then last week came Mets Yearbook: 1963, and all I could say was, “Eat your hat, Don Draper.”

It’s not a competition […]

You Cannot Make This Stuff Up

From David Waldstein in the New York Times:

In 2002, three years after Valentine urged them to do so, the Mets brought in Satoru Komiyama, a control pitcher they called the Greg Maddux of Japan. Again, their timing was off. By the time the Mets got Komiyama, he was more like the Mike Maddux of Japan.

Based […]

Miracles Never Cease

Apologies in advance if a technical matter temporarily disappears this post. We’re still in the process of switching blog platforms, and I was going to wait on any further posting ’til it’s done, but I wanted to continue to get the word out about the following project…plus snow is falling on Long Island like pop […]