The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Mets Yearbook: 1963

Thursday night (12/17) at 7:30 marks the fifth and oldest to date installment of Mets Yearbook on SNY. It’s 1963 and, based on my previous viewing of this particular highlight film, it promises to be a gem among gems. That’s sayin’ something considering the channel has batted 4-for-4 with a quartet home runs thus far. […]

Just Another Panic Monday

It’s hard enough being a Mets fan these days without inventing apoplexies. Thus, when I read John Harper in the Daily News go tabloid-dramatic and declare December 14 was Black Monday, I rolled my eyes and shrugged at the insipidness of it all.

Tuesday, when Harper’s piece ran, was a worse day for sports journalism than […]

The Hopefully Not Very Big Move

If all goes as planned, sometime next week we will be reborn on the WordPress platform.

This should mean very little is different. Those finding us through should continue to do so. Ditto for those using our blogharbor address. All our posts are being moved over. At least at first, the design will look very […]

27 Minutes Outside Citi Field

Ebbets Field was always in reach. There were obstacles — money, the policeman’s shoe, a leap, the greasy garageman — but a boy could contend with them and triumph, if he had wit and persistence and a touch of courage. It was easy and absolutely irrational to relate getting to see a Dodger game with […]

One Fan's Renewed Enthusiasm

Last week, when sharing Amazings NY's missive to Mets management regarding their decision not to renew a longstanding season ticket commitment, I mentioned that if anyone wanted to weigh in from the other end of the spectrum, I'd be happy to offer their thoughts to our readers on why they will be happily purchasing a […]

The Forgotten Forty

Big-time spoiler alert. If you want to take the test that I'm about to write about, don't scroll too far down from here just yet, because I'm giving away a whole bunch of answers.

Otherwise, go ahead.

The test in question is something I'd heard of but had never bothered to investigate until I was too intrigued […]

Omar's Alchemy's Short Shelf Life

I don't hold against Billy Wagner his sudden rediscovery of his inner Brave any more than I'd fume at Brian Schneider at this point for remembering what a Phillies fan he'd always been. This is what ballplayers who aren't Chris Coste do when they go to a new ballclub. They find a reason to have […]

Wanted: Evidence of a Plan

Let’s get the caveats out of the way early on this one.

It’s December 2, not even officially winter. The hot stove is barely beginning to glow. And Greg and I have long been proud to think that we don’t overreact to things. As the timing of the Johan Santana trade made clear, you don’t know […]

Six Seats Suddenly Available

As the Mets go about their alphabetical roster restocking — Alex Cora…Chris Coste…Chuck Cottier? — they'll have to do it without five of their longtime ticketholders. A Mets fan and FAFIF reader sent us the note below the other day explaining why he and his friends will not be renewing their seats.

I don't know whether […]

Davis, Save Us

The Mets were meandering through their most arid major award season since 1993 — the last time no Met scored a single vote for MVP, Cy Young, Manager of the Year or Rookie of the Year nor nabbed a Silver Slugger or Gold Glove — when it appeared we’d have nothing more to sate our […]