The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Cheering Frankie, Burying Braden & Tailing the Krane

The Mets enjoyed a statistically familiar Opening Day. Yet I enjoyed a very unusual one. They opened at Great American Ball Park. Yet I watched them at Citi Field. They were led by Johan Santana, Daniel Murphy and Frankie Rodriguez. Yet I was awed by Mookie Wilson, Ed Kranepool and Ed Charles…and Cow-Bell Man. Can’t […]

This Time, 162

A quick reminder to our boys wrapped in orange and blue layers for when they begin their season in Arctic conditions today or tomorrow or whenever there isn’t a projected 29-degree wind chill with 60% chance of snow showers in Cincinnati:

Play every game. There are 162 on your slate. Play all of them. Play all […]

Once More Around the Parks

Friday night was about taking the first steps from a state of shock to a sense of tentative acceptance. Sunday (the workout opened to planholders; Stephanie and I went courtesy of a very thoughtful planholder) was for the journey from bottom to top, front to back, side to side, ins and outs. Maybe.

I say maybe […]

The Best News About Citi Field…

…from Game 3 of my Getting Acquainted With It tour was this: There wasn't any particular news.

OK, there were a couple of new things I found out. I exited down the ramps in the left-field corner and found them a pleasant surprise — you zig-zag ever downwards, the light filtered by the big sepia banners […]

The Five Stages of Acceptance

“You like it?”


“Good, 'cause we live here now.”

—Danny Tripp and Matt Albie, Studio 60 pilot

1) Shock

The first song to come on my iPod on the 5:11 to Woodside was Carly Simon's “Anticipation”. It was a coincidence, I swear.

Anticipation. Not dread. Anticipation. I was excited when I left the house just before 5:00. I was excited […]

Sheffield of Dreams?

For those who wondered what would come first, the Mets playing in a new ballpark of their own or Gary Sheffield wearing a Mets uniform…it's a tie!

All-time reserve Never Met Sheffield has been signed. Unwanted elsewhere, unlikable in general, unskilled relative to what he was a few years ago, yet Doc Gooden's nephew (though they're […]

Take Me Out to This Ballpark — Now

You are more in need of a night in Atlantic City than any man I've ever met.

—Will Bailey, upon meeting an overwrought Toby Ziegler, The West Wing

I need a trip to the ballpark. Honest to god, I need a trip to the ballpark.

Have we got a ballpark? We do, don't we? It's not the same […]

Alternate Plans

If you somehow can't make it tonight's meeting of the Mets History Miniature Bobblehead Year at Citi Field committee…I mean to seeing Jason and me at Varsity Letters (for real), here a few other things you can be doing with your Thursday evening.

• You can listen, if you haven't yet, to NY Baseball Digest's Mike […]

Mets Don't Bobble This Idea

Thanks to Jason for issuing such a warm invitation to Varsity Letters (Thursday night, 8 PM, details and directions here) as well as for offering a relatively objective review. Thanks to all, really, who have made these first few weeks as a published Mets author so inviting. Your support is as uplifting as it is […]

The Man Comes Around

Not that a formal invitation is required, but this Thursday night, April 2, Greg will read from Faith and Fear in Flushing: An Intense Personal History of the New York Mets, at the Happy Ending Lounge, home of Varsity Letters. Here's hoping you'll come out and listen and cheer and maybe buy a copy. (Already […]