The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Falling In Love Again

The longest offseason in human history is about to end, giving way to the longest Spring Training in human history (thanks, WBC). In about eight minutes, the thrill of Pitchers & Catchers will wear off when it occurs to us all at once that they're tossing, they're drilling but they're not playing. Soon enough, they'll […]

In Which I Discuss Roberto Alomar With God

It's no fun when the world forces you to be a better person than you want to be.

I mean, Jesus. Even with the bottled tears still freshly spritzed on A-Rod's face, this is really something. Robbie Alomar might have AIDS? And possibly have been insanely negligent about it?

My first reaction was shock. Then I reflexively […]

This Will Be the Angle by Thursday

To be written by some combination of Wally Matthews, Anthony Rieber, John Harper, Joel Sherman, Mark Herrmann, Filip Bondy, Harvey Araton, Bill Madden and Bob Klapisch before too long, I'm sure.

The Mets have remained conspicuously silent during the Alex Rodriguez saga. One wonders what they are hiding.

Nothing has surfaced tying the Mets to A-Rod's misdeeds, […]

Why Rickey Henderson Is Best in Small Doses

In my part of Brooklyn the news of A-Rod’s confession had to take a back seat to something far more important: the arrival of 2009 Topps Series 1.

They’re great, and not just because it’s early February and I’m gasping for baseball like a trout expiring in a bucket. Last year’s Topps cards were a disaster, […]

Here Comes 1969 Again

Back when the strongest substance in any major league clubhouse was brine (so as to toughen Nolan Ryan's finger against blisters), the New York Mets became champions of the baseball world. Presumably because it's the 40th anniversary of the 1969 triumph of triumphs, SNY is bringing back from Mets Classics mothballs World Series Games Two […]

It's Funny 'Cause It's Happening To Him

Serious business, this latest black eye to baseball's image, this latest bad example to the kids in America, this latest affront to the record books. We should all be simultaneously saddened and up in arms over it.

Maybe later. After we're done laughing that it's Alex Rodriguez.

It's not funny. There are legal issues that aren't funny. […]

Right There, Right Then

Welcome to Flashback Friday: I Saw The Decade End, a milestone-anniversary salute to the New York Mets of 1969, 1979, 1989 and 1999. Each week, we immerse ourselves in or at least touch upon something that transpired within the Metsian realm 40, 30, 20 or 10 years ago. Amazin’ or not, here it comes.

Can you […]

99.9 Sentences About My Book

1. The fortunes of our New York Mets have waxed and waned over the years and their popularity has commensurately ebbed and flowed.

2. But I never changed where they were concerned.

3. And neither did you.

4. We were Mets fans.

5. We are Mets fans.

6. It is as common a bond between you and me as it […]

Vladdy to Manny to Citi

It was but five cold winters ago that the Mets didn't sign Vladimir Guerrero. They had a chance, it would have been a popular move, it seemed like it could get done, but it didn't happen. A fair swath of Metsopotamia was disgruntled yet probably not surprised.

Five cold winters later, the Mets don't seem to […]

Have a Seat — or Rather, Sit Your Ass Down

Quick take on re-inking Oliver Perez: He's the devil we know.

He's also shy of his 28th birthday and left-handed. It's far from unprecedented for guys matching that description to harness their gifts and their natural southpawness in their late twenties and become pitchers for whom you thank your lucky stars while fans of previous employers […]