The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Ollie Pitches and the Audience Applauds

Ollie Perez reportedly back in the fold, three years pending physical.

Santana, Maine, Perez, Pelfrey, Some Other Guy.

If it's not an upgrade, at least it's familiar.

41-0 and Bored to Tears

“Heaven? Whatever gave you the idea that you were in heaven, Mr. Valentine? This IS the OTHER PLACE!”

—”A Nice Place to Visit,” The Twilight Zone

The Mets play the Dodgers Monday night at 6:30 on SNY. They will win. They take on the Yankees Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 on SNY. They will win. Thursday night at […]

Jeff Kent's Faded Met Footprint

For me, it was Amos Otis. When I was coming to full baseball consciousness in 1970, I was aware the Kansas City Royals had a promising young centerfielder named Amos Otis. He was an American League All-Star with speed, very highly regarded. That much I knew. What I didn’t pick up on immediately was that […]

It's a Stump, But It's Our Stump

This Saturday at noon, what is left of Shea Stadium will be celebrated by the denizens of Baseball-Fever and all who wish to join them. They're meeting at noon on the Northern Boulevard side of the street, at the plaza where the traffic circle sat, if you're interested. The occasion will be marked by walking […]


“You guys gather food for the big feast tonight. And maybe a little wine for the older kids.”

“Delicious wine?”


—Bart, allaying Nelson's fears, “Das Bus”

While we await the official release announcing the signing of Oliver Perez or Manny Ramirez or Adam Dunn or anybody who isn't Freddy Garcia or Alex Cora or Cory Sullivan or Rob […]

Adieu, Mr. Updike

On the car radio as I drove home I heard that Williams had decided not to accompany the team to New York. So he knew how to do even that, the hardest thing. Quit.

We should all be able to write endings like John Updike could. The part before that’s pretty good, too. Avail yourself of […]

My Own Fantasy

As fans, we know very little about what's going on in the general manager's office. Beat reporters, pundits and rumormongers get what they can, but what they get isn't a tick-tock of phone records and meetings. It's a mix of honest-to-goodness facts, negotiating ploys, trial balloons, competing agendas, axes being ground, recycled tales, rumors and […]

In Good Company

As FAFIF’s 2009 Mets Fantasy Camp correspondent, he’s hit, he’s run, he’s fielded, he’s thrown and he’s blogged with power, so in our book, that makes Jeff Hysen a five-tool blogger. We appreciate his taking time out from his week of a lifetime to share his experiences with all of us here and are honored […]

Will He Tell Schourek to Bring It?

The final day of Mets Fantasy Camp is at hand and FAFIF correspondent Jeff Hysen doesn’t sound quite ready to leave the big league life behind for the drudgery of Lean Cuisines, but that, one supposes, is why they call the week he’s been living in a fantasy. But there’s still the little matter of […]

A Winning Preposition

FAFIF Fantasy Camp Correspondent Jeff Hysen is rounding third and sprinting toward his final full day in St. Lucie. Are his pockets lighter? Did he prepare his laundry correctly? Is it possible one former Met is a stickler for grammar? Here’s the dope from Thursday.

One piece of advice that I would give someone going to […]