The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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An Inverted Willie Randolph

In 2008, you’ll recall, the Mets let Willie Randolph dangle on the precipice of removal, take a flight to the West Coast, manage one game in Anaheim and then fired him (announcing it, infamously, after 3:00 AM Eastern time). It all seemed pretty shabby.

Not quite eighteen months later, the New Jersey Nets, off to a […]

The Fundamentalist Movement

If I’ve learned anything from the returning Keith Hernandez these past few years that he has analyzed Mets games. it’s that ballplayers like to come up with new names for old things, particularly if they save the players some syllables. Thus, it was no surprise to me when I started hearing Keith make occasional reference […]

Blue & Orange Thursday

The Mets used to regularly play Memorial Day doubleheaders, Independence Day doubleheaders and Labor Day doubleheaders, yet the holiday that launched them into the public consciousness was the one we celebrate tomorrow.

That’s right: the Mets are as much a part of Thanksgiving as stuffing, pumpkin pie and forced conversation you could do without.

Two months before […]

Uni Watch FTW

Some folks will never forgive him for his Piazza-related tantrum, but this Paul Lukas bit nails everything that’s wrong with the current Mets regime (and what’s wrong is pretty much everything) in one succinct blast:

It’s all too much. The Bernazard thing, the vanilla stadium with the corporate name and the 37 price tiers, the GM […]

About the Cream, It's Clear: Close, But Not Quite

Update: It’s official. I don’t believe the Mets that the natural color is from 1962.

It’s an open secret that next year the Mets will have a cream-colored version of the pinstripes uniform, though reports are all over the map about whether the white pinstripes will still exist and whether the annoying black drop shadow will […]

Making Their 'Presence' Felt

Earlier this week, esteemed FAFIF commenter Kevin from Flushing sent me a link to a video report out of Minnesota regarding the new Twins ballpark with the following warning:

“kick in the balls 23 seconds in”

I didn’t necessarily want a kick there or anywhere, but with a come-on like that, how could I not click? I […]

Amazin' Medley

Welcome to Flashback Friday: I Saw The Decade End, a milestone-anniversary salute to the New York Mets of 1969, 1979, 1989 and 1999. Each week, we immerse ourselves in or at least touch upon something that transpired within the Metsian realm 40, 30, 20 or 10 years ago. Amazin’ or not, for the final time, […]

Sorry Is the Second-Hardest Part

As the fires of the season from Hell cool to a smoldering pain, I’ve caught myself thinking about what the most agonizing part was. And I think I’ve figured it out.

It was the anticipation of disaster.

As the season wore wearily on, we were a beaten people by the middle innings. Then by the bottom of […]

He Got His Man

Too bad the story is apocryphal. Too bad lefty Giant reliever Don Liddle — after retiring lefty Vic Wertz in Game One of the 1954 World Series with two on and none out — didn’t actually declare to his teammates upon being pulled in favor of righty Marv Grissom, “I got my man.” It’s too […]

The Return of Wally Backman

Part of being a modern baseball fan is learning to be rational. Instead of instinctively praising grit and hustle and a dirty uniform, you look at the numbers behind the cloud of dust. Instead of automatically saluting or bemoaning a move on the field or in the dugout or in the front office, you try […]