The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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One Fine Day

FAFIF Fantasy Camp correspondent Jeff Hysen is not letting the laundry loop hamper his [friggin’] good time in St. Lucie, but he may be a little lighter in the pockets once the kangaroo court gavels into session. What’s said in the bull session mostly stays in the bull session, but Jeff has a few other […]

A [Friggin'] Good Time

FAFIF Fantasy Camp correspondent Jeff Hysen spent Inauguration Day not so solemnly swearing while, to the best of his ability, attempting to execute fundamentals and defend against fly balls. Now that he’s iced his chest, Jeff files his dispatch from Tuesday.

The next time that I hear about a player being late for practice during spring […]

The Guys Traded for Seaver Sound Like Fun

You’ve read of the path that brought Jeff Hysen to Mets Fantasy Camp this week. And hopefully you’ve noticed the change of clothes he can believe in. Now Jeff tells us what it was like becoming a Met yesterday.

I was greeted by Ed Kranepool, in uniform, as I entered the locker room for the first […]

A Fantasy Comes True

For some, it must seem like a fantasy that their perennially pathetic football team has made it to the championship game. Two Sundays from now, their fantasy will come true.

For others, it must seem like a fantasy that someone who looks like them is about to be sworn in as President of the United States. […]

Miracle, You Say?

MIRACLE ON THE HUDSON is a headline I would have hoped to have seen describe some incredible play some incredible second baseman made on our behalf (a second baseman who's still sitting out there on the open market, FYI). But this other thing will do, too.

Having grudgingly rewatched Game Seven of the 2006 NLCS […]

The Time of Tim

Rickey Henderson is going to Cooperstown. Pedro Martinez might be going to Miami. Derek Lowe might be coming here — if he's not going to Atlanta. Oliver Perez? Nobody has ever been able to state with particular confidence where anything propelled by Oliver might be going. Billy Wagner might be coming to Citi Field in […]

And Still Champions

One of the first football player names I ever knew was that of Ralph Baker. His picture was on one of those stand-up fundraising cards you used to see at cash registers — you know, with slots where you could stick a quarter for charity. I don’t recall the cause with which Ralph Baker aligned […]

Mets Display Back End Thinking

The immediate impulse upon hearing the Mets are signing Tim Redding is to express eye-rolling dismay, replete with a sigh and a smart remark like, “What's the matter, Jose Lima wasn't available?”

Having poisoned the thought process with that impulse already, I'll throw out a couple of happier possibilities: 1) Sometimes guys you write off as […]

The Things Free Agents Think and Do Not Say

Yeah, I’ll take some questions. First let me get this stupid jersey off. Why am I wearing a jersey over a suit? Come to think of it, why am I wearing a suit? I’m gonna be playing baseball, not asking Congress for a bailout.

Uh, you…what influenced my decision to come here? Money.

You…like I said, money. […]

One For Not Necessarily All

Moving article by Mitch Albom in this week’s SI about the woes facing his Detroit, what with the Lions having gone 0-16 and the car makers doing measurably worse. He described an idea he had for a column nearly twenty years ago, getting together the main men from each of Detroit’s four big-time sports teams […]