The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Who Should Christen Citi Field?

So, who should throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the new ballpark? Candidates who come to mind…

Ralph Kiner? Original Met and beloved icon.

Tom Seaver? Last pitch at Shea, first pitch at its successor. Also, you might have heard, The Franchise.

Roger Craig and Al Jackson together? Craig won the first game the Mets ever won […]

Baseball Like It Mighta Been

The following is excerpted from The 2024 Field Guide to Major League Ballparks with full permission of Alternate Reality Publishing, all rights reserved.


This shapes up as a banner year in Queens as Shea Stadium prepares to celebrate its 60th anniversary, a milestone sure to be marked with the kind of Flushing flourishes to which […]

A Prayer for the Citi

2008 was the final season for Shea Stadium. 2009 is the first season for Citi Field. A little over three months from now, the 2009 Mets will find their positions on the field, a batter for the Boston Red Sox will walk to the plate, and from then on Citi Field will no longer be […]

A Season at Shea

“I guess it looks as if you’re reorganizing your records. What is this though? Chronological?”


“Not alphabetical…”




“No fucking way.”

—Dick, amazed by Rob, in High Fidelity

For my 46th birthday today, which coincides with the end of the final calendar year in which baseball was played at Shea Stadium, I am giving myself the gift of one more […]

It Is Essential I Answer These

Thanks to all who delved into the Faith and Fear archives so swiftly and accurately to take part in our contest. First in with all twenty correct answers was Ben Muschel, taking a break from watching The West Wing for the first time to scoop up The New York Mets Essential Games of Shea Stadium, […]

It Is Essential You Win This

I was recently enjoying one of the discs in the superb six-DVD set The New York Mets Essential Games of Shea Stadium when it occurred to me it was essential that I immediately attempt to give you a copy, especially since we are having our end-of-year Shea tribute blowout right now.

Some months back, the good […]

Tying Together the Tales

Though the theme was clear enough, this year’s Flashback Friday execution was, by design, something of a scattershot affair. My assignment was to delve into The Log, the Steno Notebook in which I wrote down the result of every game I ever attended at Shea Stadium. I would glance through it, see what captured my […]

This Is Countdown (Revisited)

That nifty Shea Stadium Final Season logo we saw everywhere we looked for six months did the math for us: 1964-2008. The operable portion of that equation expired on September 28, yet we do have a few days left in what is still — technically — Shea Stadium’s final calendar year. Thus, before we chronologically […]

Omar Raised the Bar

I have fairly mixed feelings on the tenure of Omar Minaya, reflecting, I suppose, his fairly mixed record as general manager. But one thing Omar has given us with more regularity than his predecessors had — which tilts the Omar arrow definitively to the good — is general manager access to the Sterling Mets checkbook.

There's […]

The Christmas Spirit

Normally this is about the time I start settling into my long winter's baseball nap, kerchief and cap optional: The free-agent shuffling is about done, and it's a long hard slog to pitchers and catchers reporting, after which nothing whatsoever happens anyway. Best to rest up and get done whatever it is you get done […]