The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Bullets With Butterfly Wings

Mounting a furious late-innings rally to finish the book (writing one, not reading one), so please forgive if I can offer you only bullets for a bit.

• Want to hear someone ramble on about Doug Flynn and related topics for twenty or so minutes? Please visit Mike Silva's NY Baseball Digest and start listening just […]

From a Distance

You don't know the half of it, partner.

Italy is a lovely place, full of more or less kind people who are willing to forgive monolingual Americans their spastic attempts at communicating through six or seven Italian words, idiotic smiles and kabuki-sized arm gestures of questionable meaning. But all this kindness can't make up for an […]

Baseball 1 Politics 0

It's been almost six weeks since the Mets played a game. I went through my usual five stages of grief, all of which were anger. But now I'm ready. I've been ready since yesterday when I wandered into a 7-Eleven I frequent during the season and sometimes pick up a beverage and a sandwich to […]

Because They're So Smooth

Tell the contractors we'll need another shelf in the Citi Field trophy case, with Carlos Beltran and David Wright bringing to the new joint a couple of familiar trophies. Each defender won another Gold Glove Wednesday, third straight for Carlos, second in a row for David (this one, I believe, way more deserved than the […]


Many of us snorted derisively when Jimmy Rollins took time from the Philadelphia Phillies' World Series celebration to take a shot at the New York Mets. It wasn't much of a shot — we heartily agree, Jimmy, that Johan Santana is a great pitcher — but the shortstop's sidebar struck a dissonant note. You won […]

Change We Needed

Rare is the candidate who makes good on the vast majority of his promises, but when you find one who does, you owe him your vote. Thus, this Election Day, it’s a landslide.

Johan Santana is Faith and Fear in Flushing’s Most Valuable Met for 2008.

As we continue to pick the debris from the wreckage of […]

A Book or a Jinx?

I've been waiting to announce this because like every no-hitter in Mets history, I won't quite believe it until I see it in front of me, but it's listed on Amazon, so…well, there it is. Barnes & Noble, too: here.

I think this is where I say pre-order yours today.

More details as they become available.

Because the Pretzel Costumes Weren't Ready

For Halloween this year, I'm dressing up as a Yankee Stadium sentimentalist.


Relax. It's just a mask.

Many thanks to Alex Belth of Bronx Banter (newly moved to the SNY family of blogs and richly deserving of whatever additional attention results) for the invitation to take part in the seriously wonderful series of Lasting Yankee Stadium Memories […]

Those Magnificent Bastards & The Rest of Us

For the ones who aren't jerks; for the ones who didn't just find out about baseball; for the ones who honestly understand what a gift this is; for the ones like the men in their fifties I ran into outside of Shea after the last Sunday game between us in September 2007 who were too […]

Rays 2 Phils 2

As we wait for the World Series to continue or conclude or do something other than start late and generate low ratings, consider that if it were the Mets representing the National League under similar circumstances, last night would have been the final game in the history of Shea Stadium (and remember it was Billy […]