The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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All In

If my ducks are in the row I believe them to be, then I can say something I've never been able to say before. From here on out, the Mets' record at Shea Stadium and my record at Shea Stadium will require no delineation. They will be one and the same for as long as […]

Whatever Gets Me Through the Day

Top of the first. After Reyes pops out, Murphy's on first, Wright's up. Howie says Wright has lashed one down the right field line.


Murph winds up on third, Wright's on first.


Delgado up.



One of the unfortunate side effects of being a Met blogger is no matter how hard you try to keep yourself from doing it, you rehearse posts in your head as the game nears its climax. Thinking about Daniel Murphy and Jose Reyes, about Endy Chavez at the plate and in the field, about David […]

Mookie, Davey…It's For Us

The latest indignity to be visited upon the ghosts of Shea past is being unleashed by the ghosts themselves if the Daily News' überdependable Adam Rubin is to be trusted. Rubin reported Sunday that Davey Johnson and Mookie Wilson turned down invites for the September 28 closing ceremonies at Shea. Our winningest manager and our […]

On One Broad Back

The ball struck by Carlos Delgado on an 0-2 pitch from Eric Gagne in the eighth kind of floated out to right-center. It wasn't one of those tracers that vanishes at a sharp angle suggesting it was hit by a 20-foot-tall man, as the Other Carlos's shot did off Kevin Gregg a couple of nights […]

House Money

On our last morning on LBI, we had a final breakfast, for which we were joined by longtime Faith and Fear commentor Charlie Hangley and his wife Sarah, who were arriving as we were departing.

Outside the pancake house, a Yankee fan had scoped out Charlie and me and our Met shirts and decided we must […]

A Sense of Place

The public address system at Keyspan Park Sunday interrupted its incessant drumbeat of sound effects, song fragments and overbearing Cyclone Morning Zoo demeanor (our one-hundred fifth caller who gives us the phrase that pays wins…AN ADVIL!) to announce something of surpassing importance:

The New York Mets are in first place on September First!

The Mets' win in […]

That Time of the Month

Remember the other night when Charlie Manuel sent Brett Myers to the plate in the thirteenth with what appeared to be explicit instructions not to swing because with the bases loaded and nobody out all he could do to his team was harm? The intentional strikeout that followed looked bush but it paid off moments […]

Last Night's Ninth Inning, Summarized by Three Statements Heard During It

“Y'know, some 2-1 games are thrilling. Real nail-biters. This game isn't one of them. This one is just boring. This is the kind of game you hope somebody who's never seen baseball before doesn't get. Because why would they ever watch it again?”

“YES! WOO-HOO! CARLOS! DID YOU SEE THAT? I can't believe I ever thought […]

The Man Comes Around

Never mind the parenthetical nature of Mets offense, the way its tallies appear only at the beginning and end of games (wrapping between them a row of 0's). Never mind that our chain gang of a bullpen would do more service to the community by donning orange jumpsuits, grabbing sharp sticks and picking up litter […]