The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Remembering the Forgettable

Welcome to Flashback Friday: Tales From The Log, a final-season tribute to Shea Stadium as viewed primarily through the prism of what I have seen there for myself, namely 387 regular-season and 13 postseason games to date. The Log records the numbers. The Tales tell the stories.

5/1/79 Tu San Diego 0-1 Twitchell 1 3-5 L […]

Putting Cubbies First

Red state? Blue state? Forget that stuff.

It's Cubs Nation!

As long as they keep on beating the Phillies, they're my favorite team that isn't my favorite team.

One game up, 28 games to go…Yes We Can!

FRIDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: Cubs come from behind for a second day in a row and beat the Phillies 3-2, extending the Mets' […]

I Still Believe in a Place Called First

Yes We Can!

Win the National League East, I mean.

Yes We Can! was the rallying cry of the long-dormant Phillies in 1974, popularized by second baseman Dave Cash. Cash apparently co-opted it from Chavez (Cesar, not Endy). I always assumed he co-opted it from the Pointer Sisters, whose “Yes We Can Can” reached No. 11 on […]

Daniel in the Lions' Den

I haven't broken it to Joshua yet (or Emily), but an hour or so ago I decided the boy is being renamed. From now on he's Daniel Fry. Daniel Murphy Fry. Actually, he's Daniel Murphy Johan Brian Carlos David Luis Fry, but Daniel will cover it.

Murphy — the otherwise inevitable “Murph” doesn't seem to fit […]

Ace Santana, Met Corrective

Tuesday night's was the kind of game that's worthy of intricate dissection. But if you attempted to dissect it, you'd just take the scalpel to your eyes in an effort to forget what you just saw.

You wouldn't forget a thing, however. You wouldn't forget how a 7-0 lead became an 8-7 loss across thirteen of […]

Taking a Seat (or Two)

Emily and I knew our beach vacation would have to share mental space with the Mets, the Phillies and assorted opponents of the day. But yesterday I found myself pursuing another order of business — one I never thought would move me to action. I found myself on, ordering a pair of Shea Stadium […]

Hitting 400

It was a much bigger night for Carlos Delgado and Mike Pelfrey than it was for yours truly, but I'm going to grab third star from Monday's contest for myself.

Delgado: Two homers, six RBI, beautiful first base defense, a drama-free curtain call.

Pelfrey: A second consecutive complete game masterpiece.

Me: My 400th game that counted* at Shea […]

The Second Ballot

We certainly had righteous fun tearing apart the 75 Greatest Moments at Shea ballot, but now that fan voting has trimmed the selections to the Top Ten, it's time to get even more serious. You have until September 1 to vote for any one of the following, with the Mets revealing the big winner during […]

Christ Almighty, It's David Newhan

I've never completely understood the adage about not letting the other team's best guy beat you. He's their best guy. He's supposed to be the one who beats you if you are, in fact, supposed to get beaten. When Albert Pujols homered off Aaron Heilman in the fourteenth inning a few weeks ago, it wasn't […]

Away From the Things of Met

Well, kind of.

Long Beach Island is so far from New York City in terms of feel that it's always a mild surprise to remember that it's not far at all in terms of distance: They get WFAN down here and SNY is on basic cable. Which makes it not unlike keeping track of the Mets […]