The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Faith and Fear in Brooklyn

Faith and Fear does occasionally have some business to attend to, so periodically your bloggers get together to exchange blog-related news and ideas. (“Faith and Fear: The Interpretive Dance” will blow you away with both its kinetic nuance and its rococo wardrobe.) But tonight we were wary that the Olympics would squeeze the Mets off […]

Roulette, That's the Game Now

Well, they showed us. That bullpen of ours — they sure don't stink!

For one night they did all right, Smith and Feliciano in particular. Was it all because Jerry Manuel called them out, challenged them, questioned their intestinal fortitude? Because Jerry Manuel, as smooth an operator with the press as any Mets manager, is smart […]

The Dog That Didn't Bark

So. Whew.

I know we're all in this together, but forgive me: I needed that one. Me. Jason Fry.

Because yesterday sucked.

The silver lining of Day 1 of unemployment turning into a Shea Stadium matinee turned out to be a downed power line. And it had been a lovely day — the game got off late and […]

Shea Experiential Advice Requested

Our friends at Loge 13 are fielding an interesting request from Andrew of Canada, a reader who's visiting Shea for the first time next week month: “How can I get the best Shea Stadium experience?”

Kingman of Loge 13 offered some great tips, including a hike to Upper Deck, Section 48, Row V to admire the […]

Fetid Bullpen's Day Off

What exactly is the point of being a contender if you can't build on an early 4-0 lead over the Pirates? Or can't preserve a 5-1 lead bequeathed you by six innings of Pedro Martinez? Are the Phillies and Marlins both really flawed enough to let this crew of light hitters and heavy downers pass […]

Jane, Queen of Thomas

Yesterday's score was briefly Marlins 8 Mets 1. It was a Sunday. I even managed to wear the same 2006 Division Champs shirt I wore to Shea when that scenario was last in effect. I'm glad the final was 8-2. Well, glad wouldn't be nearly the right word, but I've had enough Marlins 8 Mets […]

Two Silver Linings

Yesterday may have been the dreariest baseball game I've ever attended.

Emily and I were coming back from Philadelphia in a rental car, and with insufficient time to go home and get on the subway, we were stuck driving. We'd been warned about this, but it's true — it's hard parking at Shea when there's a […]

Joy! Murphy!

Remember when you wanted to turn your back on the 2008 Mets? Now you kind of want to wrap your arms around them. They're so adorable when they're like this.

Like what? Like winning, for one, though the early '08 Mets were that from time to time, but those guys…ah, let's not talk about those Mets. […]

What If Terse Bloggers Ran the World?

“What happened?”

“Mets won 3-0.”

“Who got the win?”

“Perez. Seven solid. Two hits, three walks, eight K's.”

“Bullpen problems?”

“None. Heilman, two-inning save.”


“Yup. Six up, six down.”


“Wright, two-run job. Delgado, solo.”


“Lost in twelve.”

“So we're…?”

“In second, one out.”

“Anybody get hurt?”

“Nope. Church is getting closer, they say.”

“Good news.”

“Sure is.”

“That's it?”

“For now.”



It Comes Down to Reality

Welcome to Flashback Friday: Tales From The Log, a final-season tribute to Shea Stadium as viewed primarily through the prism of what I have seen there for myself, namely 382 regular-season and 13 postseason games to date. The Log records the numbers. The Tales tell the stories.

8/29/79 W Atlanta 0-1 Burris 1 4-7 L 5-4

8/7/08 […]