The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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We're Great! (Except When We Suck)

It's probably harsh and unfeeling to suggest that for the rest of the year, Johan Santana be given carte blanche to pistol-whip any Met reliever whenever he wishes. (“Coach! Schoeneweis fell down the stairs again! Yeah, just like Heilman!”) But maybe he should at least be allowed to give them a vigorous shaking. What is […]

The Kids Will Eventually Be Alright

Maybe it was just the chance to really watch a game after days of personal distractions, but somehow I wasn't that bothered by tonight's loss. Perturbed, sure. But undone? Nope.

I like the Mets' new kiddie corps. I like Daniel Murphy's ability to pull a ball when needed, the way he makes adjustments at the plate […]

Keep Your Seats, Give Me 13 2B

As you've probably heard or read, the Mets and the City of New York are teaming to give you (especially if you're a season-ticket holder) a chance to buy a pair of Shea seats for the low, low bargain price of $869. A portion of the proceeds will be directed to worthy charities, the market […]

Good Old Aaron Heilman

So I'm working on a computer I haven't used in years, one that dates back to Aaron Heilman's rookie year. Back then, this computer seemed very promising. Now it's outdated and clunky and the only reason I'm using it is because until my usual computer is pronounced fit, it's all I've got.

Hit you over the […]

Hanging In There

Funny thing about the Apple Store: it doesn't feature a gigantic top hat and has nothing to do with home runs.

My Mac is on the fritz. Might be MIA for a bit. You can all go about your lives in the interim.

Let's Go Mets.

Great Moments on Thin Ice

Two things are wrong with the 75 Greatest Moments at Shea Presented by Nikon ballot.

1) The non-baseball stuff.

2) The baseball stuff.

Otherwise, it’s perfect.

Only kidding. There’s lots wrong with this vote — or “multimedia platform” as the press release refers to it — to determine the greatest moment at Shea Stadium, starting with the definition of […]

The Mets of Tomorrow Today

Evans! Murphy! Kunz! The future is now!

Some of it anyway.

It may not have been planned this way, it may not have been conceived as a winning strategy for 2008, but three Mets prospects, if such entities exist, walk, talk, hit, catch, run and throw among us. In the last two days, Nick Evans has gained […]

It's Very Slowly Getting Away

For ten





games, everything went the






Pitchers' duels. Slugfests. Late and close. Early and often. Go-ahead runs. Tack-on runs. Baserunners stranded. Dominant starting. Sterling relief. Almost everything going right.

Lately, it's been





Not sure exactly where it started. Since the ten





games, the





ledger amounts to 6-8. That's fourteen games. That, by any calculation, is longer than ten games. Of more […]

Parallelism to a Point

Pedro Martinez looked ragged. Brandon Backe looked ragged.

The Mets had a promising inning immediately snuffed by a somewhat unlikely double play. The Astros had a promising inning immediately snuffed by a somewhat unlikely double play.

The Mets loaded the bases with nobody out. It looked like they might get nothing from such endeavors, but then with […]

August: Nassau County

Welcome to Flashback Friday: Tales From The Log, a final-season tribute to Shea Stadium as viewed primarily through the prism of what I have seen there for myself, namely 380 regular-season and 13 postseason games to date. The Log records the numbers. The Tales tell the stories.

8/3/02 (1st) Sa Arizona 5-4 Trachsel 8 143-106 L […]