The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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A Seller You Should Buy From

The Mets aren't sellers at the trade deadline. If they're gonna be buyers, now or later, they're keeping it quiet. Manny Ramirez has been traded and untraded several times* since last night, since he signed with the Red Sox actually, so I never know what to make of July 31.

But you know what you can […]

Don't Look Back

Once upon a time, we lost to the Marlins and were left hoping that a Nationals comeback against the Phillies might save us from second place.

It didn't work then. It didn't work tonight.

But — setting aside the Well Durr facts that a) the season isn't over and b) T#m Gl@vine isn't around to lecture us […]

State and Maine

The state of the Mets, as far as we can tell from watching them on the field, is strong. How strong? Delgado strong. They're a first place team, a first place team repelling encroachments from their nearest challengers every week for two weeks running. That we can say with clarity clear up to 7:10 tonight […]

The Old Soilmaster Stadium Try

We were supposed to go see the Cyclones.

That was the plan for me and Emily: With Joshua away at his grandparents until tomorrow night, we'd hop the Staten Island Ferry to see the Cyclones take on the Staten Island Yankees. We'd drink beer, eat hot dogs and ice cream, watch the legions of Brooklyn stomp […]

It's Alive!

Inspired by Stephen King's Christine, Faith and Fear reader Joe Lauzardo offers us an alternate take on what everybody assumes will be the last days of Shea Stadium. He sends it, he says, out of “a spirit of loyalty” to our lame duck of a ballpark — and maybe a little for “revenge” toward […]

Go Crazy Folks, Go Crazy

Reason 53,691 why I berate myself for listening to sports talk radio: the wet blanket hosts (you know who they are) who slap down every excited Mets caller with “don't go crazy now,” which is shorthand for you know your first-place team on the 15-4 roll isn't very good because I say it isn't very […]

A Game Great and Terrible

The Nikon folks can exhale. They won't have to update their 75-candidate ballot for the Greatest Moments at Shea. We were what felt like one timely hit, pitch, bounce or something from having a 76th genuine contender on our hands.

July 26, 2008 – Mets and Cardinals compete in endless game that is still going on.

Alas, […]

Habit and Castillo

That Argenis Reyes can play a little, huh? When your team is going as well as our team is going now, you really come to appreciate all the swell storylines that go into weaving the greater narrative. The lead headline is METS EXTEND FIRST PLACE LEAD. The sweet sidebar from Friday night — among others […]

You May Be Wright

Welcome to Flashback Friday: Tales From The Log, a final-season tribute to Shea Stadium as viewed primarily through the prism of what I have seen there for myself, namely 378 regular-season and 13 postseason games to date. The Log records the numbers. The Tales tell the stories.

7/22/04 Th Montreal 12-11 Gl@v!ne 3 152-122 L 4-1

It’s […]

Hugging Delgado

Amid the hand slaps, fist knocks and hip bumps the victorious first place Mets exchanged with one another after the final out of this afternoon's game, there was an embrace. David Wright hugged Carlos Delgado.

David was hugging Carlos for all of us. There isn't a Mets fan I know of who doesn't owe Delgado a […]