The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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If I Could Save Shea in a Bottle

Welcome to Flashback Friday: Tales From The Log, a final-season tribute to Shea Stadium as viewed primarily through the prism of what I have seen there for myself, namely 375 regular-season and 13 postseason games to date. The Log records the numbers. The Tales tell the stories.

8/13/04 F Arizona 6-5 Benson 1 155-123 W 10-6

7/9/08 […]

Our Day Has Come

The Mets did today something they haven't done all year. Well, I suppose they've done a couple of things new to them in 2008 if you take into account a sixth consecutive win, but what's shocking is that they just won their first home weekday afternoon of the season.

That sticks because afternoons at Shea during […]

Happy Hypocrites

Baseball makes an ass out of you.

It's a truism of the sport that teams are neither as bad as they look when they're stumbling around and getting beat nor as good as they look when they're rolling. And so it is with fans: When our team's bad, we can't imagine they'll ever be good, and […]

Complete Game Victory

Mike Pelfrey went seven, but details, details…it was a complete game win for the Mets Tuesday night. Honestly, it felt like the first one all season.

The Mets were a complete team for once. They played with complete effectiveness, completely overwhelming the opposition. There've been a few other lopsided scores in their favor this season, but […]

Head Case

Ryan Church is back on the DL (Evans returns as Alou gets a rehab start for Binghamton). His MRI came up negative, but I'm beginning to worry a bit over his long-term state, never mind what it means to right field. Migraines don't send you to the Disabled List. Migraines recede inside of fifteen days. […]

All I Know Is It Makes Me Feel Good Now

The Mets didn't look good winning. Sure as hell beats looking great losing. When they issue style points, I'll worry.

—April 5, 2006

I still haven't seen the plus/minus column that tracks style points. Give me a shout when those count as tiebreakers.

—May 6, 2006

Style points are still not issued and style points still don't count. Good […]

2.5 Back the Extraordinarily Hard Way

Holy shit.

I'd say “the Mets win the damn thing, 10-9,” but of course Gary and Howie beat me to it. (Can't outblog either one of those gentlemen.)

I mean, oh my goodness. We were headed for an easy walk down Redemption Road with Pedro J. Martinez, who took the mound with a hint of doom showing […]

Thank Goodness It's Official

You know that Kozy Shack they hand out outside our own cozy shack of a stadium before some games? Next time you accept one, you can spoon yourself with the reassurance that you're sampling the Official Pudding of the New York Mets:

The creamy treat, available in rich chocolate and original rice pudding flavors, will be […]

All-What Now?

A presidential candidate once tried to win votes by suggesting his opponent had shown poor judgment in selecting a running mate. The candidate, Hubert Humphrey, ran an ad that revealed a television screen bearing the message “Agnew for Vice-President?” accompanied by the sound of hysterical laughter. It’s considered a classic of the genre.

Of course, Humphrey […]

Brian Schneider is Hella Good

I like Brian Schneider with a beard. He seems far more dynamic than the clean-shaven Brian Schneider. It’s like parallel universe Brian Schneider à la Eric Cartman from the parallel universe or “hella” episode of South Park, which was in itself an homage to the “Mirror, Mirror” episode of Star Trek, which I must confess […]