The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Desperate Times Call for Robinson Cancel

You know what the Mets are? They're selectively desperate. They saunter and they mosey and they stop to smell the roses and pick at dandelions the great majority of the time, but then something suddenly lights a fire under them (to quote an old friend, “You know what burns my ass? A flame this high.”) […]

Weather Permits Nothing, But We Permit Stupidity

Well, that was stupid.

There may be nothing dimmer one can do than go to Shea Stadium and wait out a rain delay that never ends. Nothing. And notice I said “Shea Stadium” specifically, not “the ballpark” generically. I don’t doubt that postponements in other places are lame, but I know for a fact that Shea-outs […]

Starting Over

Well it's the biggest thing in my life I guess

Look at us all, we're nervous wrecks

Hey, we go on next

Joaquin Andujar, who may not be a sage on the Paul Westerberg level but has had his moments, once said that “there is one word in America that […]

Just Dandy

We know how to do disgust, despair, dismal, dismay, disillusion, derision, desperate, diatribe, depressed, disturbed…but I think we've forgotten how to do plain ol' dandy.

We'll give it a shot, though. Bear with us, as it's going to take a little while to recall how this works.

Friday night, the Mets…won?…yes…won.

They won!

Did we spell “won” correctly?

The win […]

It's Not Gonna Happen

Welcome to Flashback Friday: Tales From The Log, a final-season tribute to Shea Stadium as viewed primarily through the prism of what I have seen there for myself, namely 371 regular-season and 13 postseason games to date. The Log records the numbers. The Tales tell the stories.

7/2/82 F Philadelphia 3-1 Swan 7-14 W […]

Because Eloquence Is Wasted on This Team










/deep breath










/stare at own feet

Abandoned Playground

Something about the way the sun hits Shea in late afternoon when almost everybody's gone home appeals to me. Probably because it reminds me of the playground at East School. That's where I did most of my balling, if you could call it that, in my youth. It's where I played kickball and stickball and […]

Sweet Clarity

The Mets were pretty darn fired up. And eventually they were ready to go…though by the time they were ready, a good bit of the thrill had already gone.

Mike Pelfrey, that ol' sonofagun, clear outpitched Brandon Webb Wednesday night. It was a performance to behold as I listened to much of the first eight innings […]

F.U. to Mets: Beat Brandon Webb

Dear Mets and Mike Pelfrey,

Wanna start converting some skeptics into believers? Beat the best pitcher in the National League tonight.

Your opponent, lifetime at Shea:

4 starts, 2 wins, 1 loss (a 2-1 affair in which Victor Zambrano went deep, throwing the game of his life), 29 innings pitched, 29 strikeouts, 5 walks, 18 hits, 1 earned […]

A Quarter-Century of Jose Reyes

We should be careful not to read too much into an isolated incident, but it stood out for me as a metaphor for a Met career that had veered off track and still wasn't quite where it needed to be. On April 15, Jose Reyes was having one of his periodic breakout games, one of […]