The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Perfect Enough

On Tuesday as the Home Opener got away from the home team, I heard myself think “I'm glad I'm not watching this at home,” as if any barrier more substantial than four decks from the field wouldn't let me cope with the rampant futility at hand. Friday night, after having turned down a ticket from […]

One Dream, Deferred and Then Delivered

It's the new guys who will heal us.

I don't just mean that Angel Pagan has been a revelation, that Ryan Church has so far proved a good bat and an excellent glove, that Johan Santana is Johan Santana or that Nelson Figueroa had a very nice night. (Or that even Raul Casanova chipped in when […]

Too Soon?

Welcome to Flashback Friday: Tales From The Log, a final-season tribute to Shea Stadium as viewed primarily through the prism of what I have seen there for myself, namely 359 regular-season and 13 postseason games to date. The Log records the numbers. The Tales tell the stories.

4/8/08 Tu Philadelphia 16-19 Perez 10 195-164 L 5-2

The […]


So long as they end properly, tense, nobody-can-break-through extra-inning games are the coolest. There's the initial annoyance/delight of free baseball (emotion dependent on whether your team's the one that tied it up or the one that let it get tied), the settling in for the long haul once things aren't settled in the 10th, and […]

The Shea Countdown: 25-23

25: Friday, August 8 vs Marlins

Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, is Faith Night at Shea Stadium where our Countdown Like It Oughta Be is concerned.

It's a chance for us to salute the players who came to Shea on the wings of high hopes and a prayer. They were touted to the heavens and flew momentarily close […]

Like Mick Said

What we wanted was Met domination — Pelfrey to somehow rise from the prospect-turned-suspect dead and show no rust after being a spectator for an entire road trip, Delgado to bang more homers off the scoreboard and fewer throws off Chase Utley, Jose Reyes to work counts and lace liners and race around second, Beltran […]

The Shea Countdown: 28-26

28: Tuesday, August 5 vs Padres

Ladies and gentlemen, often this season as part of our Countdown Like It Oughta Be, we have saluted some very, very long nights in the history of Shea Stadium. It didn't get any longer or later, however, than it did on the night of September 11 — and the morning […]

Wake Me Up When Last September Ends

Maybe it was my seat location, only the slightest of strolls from Upper Deck Box 746B. I could see it from Upper Reserved, Section 12, Row C. And I could see all over again what I saw when I sat in 746B on September 30 last.

I saw the end of 2007 — the end that […]

Mets Magnetism

Pallets of brown corrugated boxes sit somewhere in Queens. They are filled with magnetic schedules. Could be the reason I suddenly feel something.

I already kind of don’t remember the first week of the 2008 season. I was there, it was there, but there wasn’t much there there. Admittedly, I haven’t managed to sit down and […]

The Shea Countdown: 31-29

31: Friday, July 26 vs Cardinals

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 1986 Weekend at Shea Stadium. We are saluting the most recent world championship in Mets history between now and Sunday and we're asking some folks associated with that season to remember to remove the Shea Final Games Countdown numbers from the right field wall. It's […]