The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Tynes Didn't Look at Strike Three

Kudos to my friend Mark for putting the NFC championship into Met perspective for me:

I root for the Jets, but I’d have to imagine for a Giants fan, that was kind of like winning Game 7 of the 2006 NLCS.

Yeah, I thought, kind of. There was a definite twinge of life after death that followed […]

Lousy Year, Banner Day

Welcome to Flashback Friday: Tales From The Log, a final-season tribute to Shea Stadium as viewed primarily through the prism of what I have seen there for myself, namely 358 regular-season and 13 postseason games to date. The Log records the numbers. The Tales tell the stories.

8/29/93 Su Colorado 2-1 Tanana 4 36-43 […]

What Don Cardwell Didn't Mean to Teach Me About Baseball But Still Did

Don Cardwell, one of the Miracle Mets’ elder statesmen, died Monday at 72.

It’s been that kind of offseason: Most of the headlines the Mets make are because there are fewer of them, and not because three or four are headed to Minnesota for Johan Santana. Jim Beauchamp died shortly before New Year’s; now Cardwell. What […]

Present at the Creation

Last week when I was very sick, my friend Joe Dubin, a charter member of the New Breed, cheered me up as he is wont to do by sending me a copy of an old Mets radio broadcast of a game I recently wrote about but missed the first time around. I returned the favor […]

Next Stop is Babble On

John Strubel of MetsNet, a terrific and comprehensive site devoted to all things orange and blue, was kind enough to invite me on MetsNet Radio Saturday for a little chat regarding various aspects of Mets nostalgia and a touch of potential trade talk. The most interesting thing about the session to me is that I […]

The Original Rotunda

Welcome to Flashback Friday: Tales From The Log, a final-season tribute to Shea Stadium as viewed primarily through the prism of what I have seen there for myself, namely 358 regular-season and 13 postseason games to date. The Log records the numbers. The Tales tell the stories.

7/25/07 W Pittsburgh 14-12 Gl@v!ne 15 189-153 […]

Feeling Shawon Dunston

I got another asinine question the other day about the Hall of Fame. You think that I played my career because I'm worried about the damn Hall of Fame? I could give a rat's ass about that, also.

—Roger Clemens

Dave Parker: He was a Yes for me last year, but I just wasn't feeling him this […]

I Should Really Start Writing This Down

Welcome to Flashback Friday: Tales From The Log, a final-season tribute to Shea Stadium as viewed primarily through the prism of what I have seen there for myself, namely 358 regular-season and 13 postseason games to date. The Log records the numbers. The Tales tell the stories.

8/15/81 Sa Philadelphia 2-1 Leach 1 5-13 […]

More Shirts

Things seemed to go well with our first order of Faith and Fear in Flushing “numbers” shirts from PrintMojo, so we put in a second, bigger order. So if you want one, click here. (As before, if anything's amiss, email us and we'll see what we can do.)

If you're unfamiliar with the numbers shirt, […]

The January Men

Not to get the new year off on a needlessly negative foot, but I'm not a fan of January. Mind you, I don't like December all that much given that I spend so much of it waiting for the old, inevitably disappointing year to end (while quietly resenting that millions throng Times Square to count […]