The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Good News for Gil

Many Mets fans have fervently hoped for years that Gil Hodges would gain induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Now it turns out that by being denied access, the honor is all his.

After yesterday's newly rejiggered Veterans Committee subcommittee election results were announced, we learned a plaque will hang in Cooperstown for Walter O'Malley. […]

It's the Rationalizing That's Gonna Kill Ya

It's not losses in October or September or April through August that try Mets fans' souls. It's what goes down in the offseason. It's Lastings Milledge for Brian Schneider and Ryan Church and all the rationalizing one is forced into when it happens.

Hey, Schneider's a pretty good defensive catcher. He gives us strength up the […]

'This Is It' & That Was That

That was the last time Titanic saw daylight.
—Rose DeWitt Bukater

I remember reading a quote from a young man who worked for the Al Gore campaign in 2000. The Supreme Court decision that halted all vote-counting in Florida came down on December 12, a Tuesday night. For months after, the kid confessed, he felt haunted on […]

We Shall Hear

Gl@v!ne gone. Mota gone. Now the generally unlistenable Tom McCarthy has packed up his microphone for Philadelphia, where, if his slowness on the draw remains true to form, the Phillies will be clinching the 2007 N.L. East any minute now.

These are marvelous consolation prizes, I tell you what.

I wasn't a fan of McCarthy's. Nothing personal, […]

History Repeated Itself

The players were confident in mid-September.

• “I can't see how we can lose unless we all drop dead,” declared one of the pitchers.

• “I don't see how we can lose unless everything goes wrong,” the starting catcher predicted.

• “I think we'll win now,” was the future Hall of Famer's verdict.

• “We will walk in,” enthused […]

Cursed to Met Hell

I have wasted thousands and thousands of kisses on you — kisses that I thought were special because of your lips and your smile and all your color and life. I used to think that was the real you, when you smiled. But now I know you don't mean any of it. You just save […]

Mota-ring! What's Your Price for Flight?

First Glavine, now Mota. Gone and gone! Ohmigod, what have we done to deserve this? Not having to root any longer for two guys I and, I suspect, most of us never wanted on the Mets must be like when your sentence is suspended by a kindly judge or president. It’s a Get Out Of […]


I'm not devastated, but I am disappointed. Devastated is a word used for greater things in life than a game. I was disappointed in the way I pitched. I got some ground balls, but I can't control where they go. A couple got through. Another was too slow to turn a double play.

— Tom Glavine, […]

The Manchurian Brave is No Longer

AP reports Tom Glavine, last seen walking off the Shea Stadium mound after surrendering five of eventually seven runs after hitting Dontrelle Willis with the bases loaded in the first inning of the final game of the year with the National League Eastern Division title on the line, is going back to Atlanta for good. […]

Saving Ron Gardenhire (Instead of Tom Seaver)

This weekend, in honor of November 17 being Tom Seaver’s 63rd birthday, we offer you the following eleven pitchers…

Kevin Brown (not to be confused with the Kevin Brown who hit the wall for the Yankees in 2004 or the Kevin Brown who pitched two innings for the Mets in 1990), Ron Darling, Sid Fernandez, Wes […]